As architects of the modern workforce, HR professionals play a pivotal role in creating an environment that fosters innovation, resilience, and continuous improvement. One of the key roles of an HR professional is to determine employee professional development and training needs and to create and evaluate those training sessions. In your Week 7 activity you started the process of planning an employee training session. In this assignment, you will incorporate those details as a foundation and build upon them to finish the training plan.
You are continuing in your position as a human resource manager at a hospital that is facing a high rate of medical errors and lawsuits. You have previously conducted the employee needs assessment, used data to identify gaps and deficiencies, defined the problem, aligned it with the hospital’s business goals, and created your training objectives. Now it is time to propose a plan for employee training to motivate employees and satisfy leadership concerns.
Building on your Week 7 activity, develop a detailed design and delivery plan for the training that can be shared with all stakeholders. Your goal is to satisfy leadership concerns and to motivate employees to find value in the proposed training. All responses must be on the linked assignment template.
Notes: You can make all necessary assumptions for this assignment. Refer to your Week 7 learning activities for more support, including the Chapter 9 reading and the multimedia resource.
Before you begin, download and save the Week 9 Assignment Template. Download Assignment Template.All responses must be submitted on the assignment template.
1: Set the stage for the training design by reviewing the needs assessment results:
- Summarize the needs assessment and results created in your Week 7 activity. This will include the performance deficiencies identified, the objectives created, and how the objectives align with the business goals based on the scenario. (Note: be sure you have incorporated the instructor’s feedback and made any required revisions.)
2: Select the training method (e.g., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, on-the-job training, etc.).
- Explain why the selected training method would be the most effective to meet the objectives.
3: Determine the tool(s) necessary to develop the training:
- Propose three (3) criteria to use in selecting a vendor tool to deliver the training.
- Explain how and why the selected tool was chosen.
4: Encourage and track training attendance:
- Propose two (2) proven methods to motivate employees to attend the training.
- Propose two (2) proven methods to track employee attendance at the training.
- Propose two (2) proven methods to address employees who do not attend or participate in training sessions.
5: Evaluate the effectiveness of the training through feedback.
- Determine three (3) ways to collect targeted feedback from training participants and explain how the feedback can be used to improve future training sessions.
6: Extend the training by discussing ongoing employee development at the end of your plan.
- Explain the key differences between employee training and employee development.
- Recommend two (2) types of employee development that could follow the training to help employees grow and develop as individuals. Connect your recommendations to the success of the organization.
Save the completed assignment template as: “yourname_HRM530_Week9_Assignment” and submit it through the link in the course.
Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant (within five years), and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.