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Why does using arts on products increase the perceived luxuriousness of the products? You answer should be based on this article. You should locate the answer to Q1 in the article and quote those sentences. You also need

MKF5911 – Theory and Process of Buyer Behavior
Assessment 1: Write a Report Based on a Consumer Research Article
Objectives of the Assignment
Most of the consumer behavior theories you learn from this unit come from rigorous academic research.
The findings of these research projects are usually published in academic journals. In this assessment, you
will read an academic journal article on a consumer behavior topic and answer a few questions.

Value: 30%
Length Strictly 1,000 words maximum. No 10% margin.
Type Individual assessment
Due Date and
Submission Format
21 March, Friday @ 23:59 (AEST)
You can submit assessment any time before due date/time. There will be
penalty for late submission. 5 marks deduction per 24
hours of delay . 10 marks deduction for exceeding the word limit. Heavy penalties for plagiarism. Include a self-report of word count on the first page or the last page (eg, 980 words). Submission Microsoft Office Word File Submit on Moodle. Check the “student statements” box right before clicking the submit button. Student Statements are equivalent to a coversheet. File protocol Microsoft Office Word File. PDF is NOT allowed. You will receive a 10 marks deduction if you submit a PDF file . Eg, Hemsworth_Chris_Wed 1500 Learning Outcomes #1 & 2 Task Read the following academic research article. A copy can be found on the unit Moodle site. Henrik Hagtvedt, & Vanessa M. Patrick. (2008). Art Infusion: The Influence of Visual Art on the Perception and Evaluation of Consumer Products. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(3), 379–389. Answers the following questions. You are allowed to write up to 1,000 words. Use only Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 as the headings. Do not copy and paste the questions to the report. MKF5911 – Theory and Process of Buyer Behavior Assessment 1: Write a Report Based on a Consumer Research Article 2 2 Q1. Why does using arts on products increase the perceived luxuriousness of the products? You answer should be based on this article. You should locate the answer to Q1 in the article and quote those

sentences. You also need to elaborate and further explain those sentences with your own words (ie, why
those sentences make sense). (20 points)

Q2. The authors used two different types of comparisons to show the Art Infusion Effect is content-
independent. Please explain the two types by answering the following questions. (20 points) • Q2.1. What is the logic behind each type
of comparison? study(studies) used this type of comparison? • Q2.3. What are the findings of this study/these studies ? Please stylize your answer with the format below . your observations in detail and explain why this should be considered an example of Art Infusion Effect, and what influences this may have on the consumers’ perceptions and product evaluations. You are expected to supplement photo(s) to illustrate your observations. (20 points) Q4. Consumer researchers can use different research settings and participants to test their theory/hypotheses. In this research, study 1 was conducted in the field with real restaurant customers whereas studies 2 and 3 were conducted in the lab with undergraduate students. Please list at least 2 benefits for this research to use hybrid settings and participants. (20 points) Q5. This research mainly focused on western classic visual arts. If brands use non-western arts, pop arts, or non-visual arts (eg, music) on products, do you think it will generate increased product evaluation or increased perception of luxury? Why or why not? Please discuss non-western arts, pop arts, and non-visual arts separately. (20 points) Mechanics of report San Serif Font—Calibri, Arial, Garamond, etc. Font size—12 Line spacing—single Pages to be numbered bottom right Academic reference: Check if the questions explicitly ask for academic references. This may change from semester to semester. If so, add them. If not, academic references are neither required nor banned. If you directly quote from

another article, book, or website, you must follow the university policy in terms of proper referencing (eg,
APA style). Otherwise, you need to paraphrase it. If you include academic references, add a list of references
MKF5911 – Theory and Process of Buyer Behavior
Assessment 1: Write a Report Based on a Consumer Research Article

to the end of this document such as on the 4th page. This list of references or the cover page (if you intend
to have an optional cover page) is not counted against either word limit or page limit.
Optional appendix (eg, photos) can be added on an additional page and not counted in word count.
Your submission does NOT need to follow a professional business report format. It does not require
components such as executive summary, conclusion, etc. Assessments 2 and 3 reports need to be in
business format.

Marking Criteria
Your answers will be marked based on (1) the accuracy of your understanding of the research article, (2) the
quality and comprehensiveness of your answers, and (3) the creativity