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Using three specific concepts/ideas from the assigned readings of Bourdieu on society (Readings 11.1 and 11.2), provide three examples to show whether the ideas apply to modern American society.

Module Six Discussion Forum

Post your participation post for the week in this forum.  Make sure to read the “Discussion participation requirements” section of the syllabus before posting anything in this forum, and use the “Checklist for responses to discussion questions” I provided in this area of the course to help you. The minimum length requirement for your responses to the discussion questions in order to earn any credit is 600 words (does not include references). Not surprisingly, the most effective responses to discussion questions well-exceed the minimum. The minimum length for each of your replies to classmates in order to earn any credit is 150 words. 

IMPORTANT –  In order to avoid problems with plagiarism, it is essential that you cite and reference all of the information you present in your analysis. But this is really easy to do! In-text citations must include author, year of publication, and page number. APA recommends but does not require including page numbers in summarized or paraphrased information taken from sources. But in this course, we will follow the APA recommendation and include page numbers in ALL citations, for both direct quotes and paraphrased information. Don’t forget to put direct quotes in quotation marks.

With regard to references at the end of your posts, here is information to help you with your references directly from the APA.

https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdfLinks to an external site.


If you have any questions, please let me know. I will be more than happy to help you!



Using three specific concepts/ideas from the assigned readings of Bourdieu on society (Readings 11.1 and 11.2), provide three examples to show whether the ideas apply to modern American society. 

A – Fully describe the three ideas/concepts you have chosen for the analysis. At least one idea/concept must come from each of these two assigned excerpts from the writings of Bourdieu, which are:

Reading 11.1: Excerpts from Bourdieu’s Sociology in Question (1993)

Reading 11.2  Excerpts from Bourdieu’s The Logic of Practice 

B – Discuss each of these three ideas/concepts as they apply or do not apply to specific information about the current American society in providing your assessment of whether the work of Bourdieu is useful in understanding modern society. Present specific evidence to support whatever positions you take in this part of the assignment.

Label each section (A, B)

In doing this assignment, information on Bourdieu in section A must be solely from the textbook.

In section B, in addition to information from the textbook, you must also use information from at least two outside sources. The outside sources can be but need not be from academic sources. They must, however, be credible sources. 

Module 5 disc feedback:

This is your best assignment of the term thus far. You did an outstanding job in both describing the date and making connections between the events associated with the date and the work of the two theorists, Becker and Goffman. This demonstrates both an understanding of key elements in the work of the two theorists as well as critical thinking in applying their ideas to a specific social circumstance, in this case a date. Thank you for your work on this!

Your replies to your classmates for the Module 5 discussion were effective and incorporated and cited multiple pieces of information from the course material to support each of your responses. You earned the full 30 points for this part of the grading rubric for this module.