Residency Project #3
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this project is to give your team an opportunity to apply what has been learned about human resources (in course lectures, readings, research, and discussions) and, then, to expand your acquired competencies when addressing an assigned topic. Since organizational work involves working and communicating with others, you will be participating in group work. You will be randomly assigned to work in groups. This aim of the group project is two-fold:
- You will be writing a 10-page, double spaced paper (not including your cover page or references) about your selected topic. You will utilize the competencies acquired throughout our course to examine organizations that are successfully and unsuccessfully implementing HRM practices. Based upon the topic assigned, your team is required to identify at least five organizations that successfully and unsuccessfully utilize the HRM practice described. Of the five organizations that you identify, three of those organizations must be Fortune 500 companies.
- In addition to the written portion of this assignment, you will also be presenting a 30-minute, 15-slide minimum presentation about your topic
Assignment Requirements
Groups should:
- Identify three organizations that have successfully applied the assigned HRM function. At least two of these organizational examples should come from Forbes 500 Best Places to Work list for this past year.
- Identify two organizations that have unsuccessfully applied the assigned HRM function. Please note that at least one of these examples should come from an organization on the Forbes 500 Best Places to Work list for this past year.
Do Not Forget to Include
Provide a robust overview of your assigned HRM practice. When presenting information about your practice, you should use your textbook and other outside sources to reference theories and concepts related to your practice, highlight the history of your practice, and more.
Explain the benefits associated with the proper use of this HRM practice.
Identify three organizations that are known to successfully apply the assigned HRM practice. At least two of these organizational examples should come from Forbes 500 Best Places to Work list for this past year. When offering organizational examples, please detail information about the organization’s mission, industry, background, and how the specific HRM practice was successfully applied.
- Explain how the HRM practice has impacted your selected organizations? (Note: The answers may vary based on the organizations being referenced).
- Describe if and why the selected organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry based upon their application of your assigned HRM practice.
Identify two organizations that have unsuccessfully applied the assigned HRM function. Please note that at least one of these examples should come from an organization on the Forbes 500 Best Places to Work list for this past year. When offering organizational examples, please detail information about the organization’s mission, industry, background, and how the specific HRM practice was unsuccessfully applied.
- Explain how failing to implement your assigned HRM practice has impacted your selected organizations? (Note: The answers may vary based on the organizations being referenced).
- Describe how your two unsuccessful organizations can potentially implement your assigned HRM practices. What steps might these organizations take? What difficulties might be encountered?
Find 5+ statistics, which have been published within the last two years, that highlight the critical importance of your assigned HRM practice.
Explain the short- and long-term impacts of not implementing your assigned HRM practice.
- Prepare a 10-page paper that addresses all aspects of this assignment. Please note that the title page and reference(s) pages does not count towards your 10 pages of content.
- Prepare and present at 15-slide PowerPoint presentation, which will be delivered for 30 to 35 minutes, about your topic and findings. Please note that graphs, charts, and images do not count towards your 15 slides of PowerPoint content. Additionally, the title page and reference(s) pages do not count towards your 15 slides of PowerPoint content. When creating a PowerPoint presentation, please use the 7X7 Rule. For more information about the 7X7 Rule, please review this resource by Bonderud (2020).
- Bonderud, D. (2020, December 31). What is the 7×7 Rule in PowerPoint? HubSpot.×7-rule-powerpoint#:~:text=The%207×7%20rule%20is%20simple,than%20seven%20words%20per%20line
What is the 7×7 Rule in PowerPoint? – HubSpot Blog Despite its reputation for dry content delivery across virtual and in-person meetings alike, PowerPoint remains the go-to choice for many professionals, even as other options emerge that offer greater usability and flexibility outside of the Microsoft ecosystem.. Part of the presentation platform’s popularity stems from its familiarity — many organizations still run Microsoft-first IT … |
- You must have at least 12 references (8 of the references used must be scholarly, peer-reviewed articles). All outside sources should be referenced and properly cited in-text and on your reference page. You must use your course textbook, too, to support your points.
- In addition to the 10 pages of paper content, you must include title and reference pages. Remember, your assignment must be submitted in proper 7th edition APA format.
Working with teammates can be a rewarding process. However, it is not uncommon for issues to occur. Therefore, if issues arise, please reach out to your instructor. Your instructor needs to be aware of team concerns, issues, problems, etc.