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The final paper will be due this week which includes all prior sections, paper and template requirements, and rubric requirements. The final template headings to be completed are: -Relationship Marketing -Socially Respon

The final paper will be due this week which includes all prior sections, paper and template requirements, and rubric requirements. The final template headings to be completed are:

-Relationship Marketing

-Socially Responsible Marketing

-New Topic if you have one, if not, delete the topic heading and sentences in that section only




-Title Page (update the date to correlate with the day you turn the paper in)

Disruptive Marketing Plan: Final Paper Instructions

Based on the assignments that have been completed and the remaining sections in the template, you will complete a 2,500–3,000 word paper on their ‘disruptive’ innovative new idea for this brand using the template provided.

  • 2,500-3,000 word paper
  • APA 7 formatting (Utilize Template included) (remember no “I, me, my”/first person in APA 7)
  • Times New Roman, 12 Font
  • Double-spacing with zero-point line spacing
  • Title Page and Reference Page (intext citations must match references)
  • Ten authored/scholarly peer-reviewed references are required and new for this paper, except for the book which can be used but will not count in the ten sources. You may also use websites or other sources, though they will not be counted in the ten sources they may be useful for valuable reference
  • Utilize the template provided, do not change or delete subject headers
  • And more…using the current edition of the APA manual as our guide