CONHCP: Doctor Of Nursing Practice Final PICOT-D Approval The department has conducted a review of your PICOT-D question in an effort to support the development of your project. Please note that this review is a FINALAPPROVAL of the PICOT-D and will require permission by the DNP Program Lead for any changes to this statement beyond the date of this approved review. We highly discourage changes as they may prevent you from progressing. PICOT: To investigate how socioeconomic and political issues affect patient outcomes and the financial viability of healthcare companies in low-income rural communities. PICOT-D Question: P: I: C: O : T: Are you an APRN? (mandatory question) I am an APRN having earned a graduate-level degree All projects must have a minimum of 3 original research studies to support the intervention. (One of the three original research articles to support your intervention need to come from the US or Canada). The other research studies can come from the UK, Denmark, India, New Zealand, or Australia (preferred) or from any of the 131 countries listed in the International Compilation of Human Research Standards 2020. *** In DNP-955A You will be required to have a total of 15 research articles to support the intervention (3 from PICOT, plus other original research) Original Research Articles (Use permalinks and attach a pdf copy of each of the quantitative original research articles): IMPORTANT PLEASE STOP AND READ: This is your Final Approved PICOT-D statement. Please maintain this copy and pleas