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Task 1: Health and Wellbeing Factors Evaluation Activity: Research and identify the different factors that can influence an individual’s health and wellbeing. Health and wellbeing are shaped by a range of factors that they are essential.

Level 5 Leadership and Management in Adult Care

Learning Resources

  • Unit 17: Health and Wellbeing in Adult Care
  • Unit 18: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights
  • Unit 16: Leading Person-centred Practice

Website and Resource

  • How is wellbeing understood under the Care Act?https://www.scie.org.uk/care-act-2014/assessment-and-eligibility/eligibility/wellbeing
  • Promoting wellbeinghttps://www.scie.org.uk/prevention/independence/promoting-wellbeing-video
  • Equality and Diversity, Skills for Carehttps://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Developing-your-workforce/Care-topics/Equality-and-Diversity
  • Person Centred Practice, Health Education EnglandPerson Centred Practice | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk)
  • Person Centred Carehttps://www.scie.org.uk/prevention/choice/person-centred-care

Section One

Task 1: Health and Wellbeing Factors Evaluation


Research and identify the different factors that can influence an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Health and wellbeing are shaped by a range of factors that they are essential.

Biological Factors

These are necessary and cannot be changed. They involve:

  • Genetics: some health conditions can be inherited.
  • Age: The risk of developing particular health problems normally rises with age.
  • Gender: there is health issues that are more common in one gender than the other.

Behavioural Factors

These are manipulated by the choices an individual makes. They include:

  • Diet: A good diet help to maintain good health, while poor nutrition can cause health issues.
  • Physical Activity: Frequent exercise helps prevent numerous health conditions.
  • Substance Use: Alcohol, smocking and drug use can cause a range of health problems.
  • Sleep: Lacking sleep can have a negative effect on both mental and physical health.

Socioeconomic Factors

These are linked to an individual’s social and economic situations. They include:

  • Education: good education levels are frequently linked to better health outcomes.
  • Income: Lower income levels are regularly associated with poorer health.
  • Employment: Unemployment it lead to stress and various health issues.
  • Housing: Imperfect housing conditions can cause health problems.

mental Factors

These are linked to the physical environment in which a person lives. They include:

  • Air Quality: Pollution can cause respiratory problems and other health concerns.
  • Access to Green Spaces: living next to parks and nature can strengthen physical activity and support mental health.
  • Climate: Extreme weather conditions can have negative effects on health such as dark night and lack of sun.

Psychological Factors

These connect to an individual’s mental and emotional wellbeing. They include:

  • Stress: Constant stress can cause various physical health issues.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Mental health struggles can substantially affect general wellbeing.
  • Coping Skills: The capability to manage stress and adversity can influence health outcomes.

Create a mind map or diagram showing how these factors interconnect and impact each other.

Health and wellbeing factors:

  • Physical factor: aspects: regular exercise, Proper nutrition, routine medical care
  • Poor physical health: Chronis pain, fatigue Which affect mental health.
  • Emotional wellbeing: aspects: mental health, self esteem, stress management.

Good physical health: positive emotional wellbeing. Balance diet and regular exercise contribute to better emotional state enhancing overall wellbeing.

Economic and social wellbeing: economic stability help meet the basic needs and result to reduce stress and anxiety related financial insecurity, if an individual have a secure income can afford a house, good nutrition, healthcare which they are all important to maintain good physical and emotional health.

Social wellbeing:

Task 2: Role Analysis in Monitoring Wellbeing


Reflect on your own role and identify how you can monitor, assess and promote the wellbeing of individuals in your care.

Work can have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing. Healthy and well-motivated employees can have an equally positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of a business.

As a manager I need to make sure to create a healthy workplace by building good relationships as it has the potential to make workplaces healthy and productive. But promoting a healthy and productive workplace is not just about being nice to each other (although this obviously helps). Good employment relations are built upon:

  • effective policies for managing people issues such as communication, absence, grievances and occupational health.
  • high levels of trust between employees and managers. Trust is often nurtured by involving employees in decision-making and developing an open style of communication.

As a manager you I try to promote health and wellbeing by setting an example. Try to:

  • manage your working hours.
  • use your full holiday entitlement
  • take proper lunch breaks and encourage your staff to do all of the above.
  • I encourage employees to look after their own health. This might mean encouraging exercise, and providing information and advice on diet, and the risks of smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • In my role, I make it a priority to spend time with my employees discussing their health and well-being. I also ensure that I mention our private healthcare, Benenden, and emphasize its importance in case they ever need to use it.
  • When an employee returns after being off sick, I always schedule a meeting to complete a return-to-work form. During this meeting, I check if there’s anything we can do to make their transition back easier and discuss whether the illness was work-related.

Create a plan outlining specific actions you can take in each of these areas.

Task 3: Providing Training and Support


Identify the training needs of your team members in relation to monitoring health and wellbeing.

At Journey, we use On Click to track staff training and identify any gaps. When we notice any missing training, we assign the necessary courses to staff members. However, after conducting support and supervision sessions with my team, we often realize that additional training, while not mandatory in health and social care, can be beneficial for staff health and wellbeing. Some examples include:

  • Diabetes essential.
  • Fluids and nutrition.
  • Loss and bereavement.
  • Oral health care.
  • Sex and wellbeing.
  • Stress and resilience
  • Supporting personal relationships.

In our company, we have a dedicated health and wellbeing coach who staff can always approach for support with their health and wellbeing. During our away days, we prioritize training focused on health and wellbeing, including topics like mental health at work. We also conduct quizzes that help us, as managers, identify the types of training staff may need in the future to further support their health and wellbeing.

Develop a training module or presentation on how to effectively monitor and promote wellbeing in adult care settings.

As mentioned in the previous question, our organization uses OnClick to monitor staff training. To promote wellbeing in the adult care setting, we provide access to a Health and Wellbeing Coach, who staff can talk to for resources or simply to have a conversation about their health and wellbeing. Additionally, we offer Benden, a private healthcare service that includes 24-hour access to GPs and mental health helplines. Staff can also use the Benden app, which provides a range of health and wellbeing advice, including articles, videos, and tips on various health issues.

Please see below a picture of our training website that we use to assign training to staf

Task 4: Ensuring Accountability and Responsibility


Analyse how to ensure clear lines of accountability and responsibility for delegated healthcare tasks.

Delegating tasks in healthcare is an important process that needs clear understanding of accountability and responsibility. Find below how to understand these lines:

1. Clear Communication

  • Task Explanation: take time to explain the task to the individual it’s being delegated to. This involve the task’s purpose, what you expect as an outcome, and any related procedures or protocols to follow.
  • Expectations: have a clear communication regarding what is expected from the individual the task is delegated to. This involves the quality of work, time frame, and what they may need to include in their reports.

2. Training and Competency

  • Training: Make sure the individual the task is delegated to has the required training and skills to help completing the task. This might involve formal training on the task or mentoring.
  • Competency Assessment: Regularly check on the work of the person the task is delegated to. As it can support to identify any gaps in knowledge or skills, and offer opportunities for further training.

3. Monitoring and Feedback

  • Monitoring: Frequently monitor the performance of the person the task is delegated to. As it will support the individual with the task in case there is any issues early on, and provide opportunities for corrective action.
  • Feedback: Offer regular feedback to the person the task is delegated to. It help them know how they are performing, and also provide opportunity to learn.

4. Documentation

  • Delegation Records: Maintain a good record of all the task delegated including all information of the person completing the task and any task goals or plans that’s been included.
  • Performance Records: Preserve records of the performance of the person the task is delegated to. This can support tracking progress, recognize any issues, and provide evidence of accountability.

Reflect on a scenario where you need to delegate a healthcare task to a team member, ensuring they understand their responsibilities.

Section Two

Task 1: Legislation Summary


Research and list the key legislation that underpins equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.

Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 is a key piece of legislation in the UK that promotes equality and prohibits unfair treatment in the workplace and wider society. It consolidates and replaces previous anti-discrimination laws, such as the Race Relations Act and the Disability Discrimination Act. The Act covers nine protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Human Rights Act 1998

The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic British law. These rights include:

  • Right to life
  • Prohibition of torture
  • Right to a fair trial
  • Respect for private and family life
  • Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
  • Freedom of expression
  • Freedom of assembly and association

Other Relevant Legislation

Other relevant legislation includes:

  • The Race Relations Act 1976 – Prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, nationality, ethnic and national origin in the fields of employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions.
  • The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 – Makes it unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the grounds of sex or marital status.
  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – Makes it unlawful to discriminate against individuals in respect of their disabilities in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, education and transport.

It’s important to note that these laws not only protect individuals from being discriminated against, but they also place a positive duty on organisations to promote equality and diversity. This means taking steps to ensure that their services are accessible to all, and that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Task 2: Societal and Historical Influences Analysis


Compare and contrast the societal and historical influences that have shaped the concepts of equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.

Societal Influences

Societal influences on equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights in adult care in England are considerable and varied. They include:

  • Public Opinion: The opinions and beliefs of the general public can significantly influence policies and practices in adult care. For example, if there is a strong common belief in the importance of equality and human rights, this can lead to more inclusive policies and practices.
  • Social Movements: Movements like the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, and the LGBTQ+ rights movement have all been important in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in society, which in turn impacts adult care.
  • Demographic Changes: Changes in the population, such as an ageing population or high immigration, can also lead to the need for more diverse and inclusive adult care services.

Historical Influences

Historical influences on equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights in adult care include:

  • Legislation: Laws like the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998 have played an important role in promoting equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights in adult care. These laws provide a legal framework that safeguards people from discrimination and supports their rights.
  • Policy Changes: Over time, policies related to adult care have evolved to become more inclusive and respectful of diversity. For example, the introduction of person-centred care approaches has shifted the focus from treating all individuals the same to recognizing and respecting individual differences.
  • Historical Events: Events such as World War II and the civil rights movement have led to significant changes in societal attitudes towards equality and human rights, which have influenced adult care.

Task 3: Impact Evaluation


Reflect on how legal, societal and historical influencers have impacted your role in promoting a culture of equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.

Task 4: Discriminatory Cultures Assessment


Identify examples of discriminatory or closed cultures and evaluate their impact on individuals and communities.

Task 5: Values and Beliefs Analysis


Reflect on how your own values, beliefs and experiences influence your practices and behaviours towards equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights.

Task 6: Responding to Differences Evaluation


Assess your ability and readiness, as well as that of others, to positively respond to people’s differences to achieve better outcomes.

Task 7: Service Promotion Assessment


Evaluate how your service promotes, values, and celebrates equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.

Section Three

Task 1: Understanding Person-Centred Care Principles


Research and evaluate the features, principles, drivers, and values of strength-based approaches, person-centred practice, active participation and outcomes-based practice.

Create a mind map showing the relationship between these principles and practices.

Task 2: Analysing the Impact of Person-Centred Care


Analyse how strength-based approaches and person-centred practice influence outcomes-based practices, focusing on health and wellbeing, independence, choice and control.

Write a reflective essay on the role of partnerships, collaboration and coproduction in enabling individuals to achieve their desired outcomes.

Task 3: Supporting Relationships in the Community


Evaluate your own service’s role in enabling individuals to build and maintain relationships and connections within their community.

Develop a plan on how integrated service provision can achieve better outcomes for individuals in the community.

Task 4: Promoting Positive Risk-Taking


Explore the concept of positive risk-taking and its impact on individuals’ outcomes.

Analyse how a risk-averse culture can affect person-centred practice and individual wellbeing.

Task 5: Implementing Balanced Risk-Taking Approaches


Analyse the considerations required in the management of positive risk-taking.

Evaluate your and others’ practice in leading a balanced approach to risk-taking.

Task 6: Integrated Service Provision


Research and write a report on how different health and social care services can work together to provide integrated care for individuals. Include examples of successful integrated service provisions and discuss the benefits it brings to the individuals.

Task 7: Proactive Approaches in Building Relationships


Reflect on a scenario where you demonstrated proactive communication skills in building and maintaining relationships with individuals in a care setting and discuss the effectiveness of your approach.

Task 8: Cultures Supporting Individuals’ Rights


Analyse a case study where the implementation of open and proactive culture reduced risks for individuals in care. (You may be able to reflect on an example where you have experienced this.)

Discuss how changes in culture can support individuals’ rights to choose their relationships.

Task 9: Types of Support for Building Relationships


Create a support plan for an individual who requires assistance in building and maintaining relationships. Include the types of support needed, identify when external services may be required, and justify your choices.

Criteria Covered

Unit 17: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Unit 18: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2

Unit 16: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.3


  • WHO – Determinants of Health
  • NHS – Looking After Your Team’s Health and Wellbeing Guide
  • NHS – Identifying Your Team’s Wellbeing Goals