Profile Assignment: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder or Major
Depressive Disorder or ADHD or Anorexia Nervosa or Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Due on
Friday, 03/21/2025 by 11:59 pm.
The profile assignment must be submitted to Turnitin in Canvas to check for possible plagiarism
and/or inappropriate paraphrasing.
General Instructions: The objective of this assignment is to apply the information presented in
the chapter, along with your own personal experience, to produce a realistic profile of a
child/adolescent suffering from the disorder chosen. The profile must include the following:
• Provide a general description of the child/adolescent (e.g., age, gender, physical
appearance, mood, affect, etc).
• Describe 4-6 behaviors/symptoms the child/adolescent engages in that are indicative of
the disorder.
Developmental Course:
• When did the disorder start?
• Are the symptoms developmentally appropriate?
• Did disorder change throughout development (its primary features)? How?
• Describe at least 3 factors associated with the development of the disorder for the child in
question. The risk factors could be biological, medical, environmental, psychosocial,
interpersonal/family, cultural, etc.
• What has been the impact of the disorder on the child/adolescent’s functioning (e.g.,
personal, peers, academic, social, family, etc)?
• Based on what you have read in your text and the articles you selected, what is the
treatment of choice for this child/adolescent? Why?
• What are some advantages and disadvantages of the treatment?
• You must find at least 3 additional sources besides your textbook that support your
argument. Sources should consist of scientific, peer-reviewed articles appearing in
scientific journals. Citations from popular newspapers (e.g., New York Times) or
magazines (e.g., Newsweek, Times) are not appropriate.
• You must support your statements with empirical evidence and appropriate citations. For
example, if you say that harsh parental discipline is a risk factor for disorder “X”, then
you must support that statement with a citation of a study that found such a link.
• All citations must be in line with the latest APA-style edition. Points will be deducted for
errors in citation format.
• All assignment must include a reference section titled References.
• All assignment should be 5 pages long, excluding the references section (6 pages with
• Formatting: Font: 12pt Times New Roman, Margins: 1-inch all around, Spacing: Double-
spaced. No title page is needed. Just write your name and student ID number at the
You will be required to search for peer-reviewed articles using the UH Library databases. I highly
recommend the following links to explore and understand these resources:
• Research Guides: Psychology Resources:
• Guide for finding peer-reviewed articles and accessing APA PsycINFO Database:
• The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Manual
7th Edition)