
  • You are required to select an SME organisation you are familiar with, either your current workplace, a business you own or one you have previously been part of or have an interest in. You may also select a public organisation

    Athe level 7 finance for strategic managers

    Unit aims:

    The learners will develop knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to analyse internal and publicly available financial information. This will help to inform strategic decision making.

    Assessment guidance:

    To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. Additional assessment guidance is provided on the ATHE sample assignment brief. Learners will need to demonstrate their full understanding of the use of financial information in business decision making. Learners can use their own experience or provide examples of businesses from their research to exemplify the points which are made. Learners will need to access and interpret published business accounts.

    Learning outcomes –

    1. Understand the importance of financial data in formulating and delivering business strategy.

    1.1 Evaluate the sources of financial data which can be used to inform business strategy

    1.2 Assess the need for financial data and information in relation to business strategy

    1.3 Analyse the risks related to financial business decisions

    2. Be able to analyse financial data for an organisation in order to inform strategic decision making purposes.

    2.1 Interpret financial statements to assess the viability of an organisation

    2.2 Conduct comparative analysis of financial data using ratio analysis

    3. Be able to evaluate proposals for strategic decisions on capital expenditure in an organisation

    3.1 Review methods for appraising strategic capital expenditure projects and strategic direction

    3.2 Evaluate business proposals for capital expenditure in an organisation using appropriate financial techniques.

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    Assessment Task

    You are required to select an SME organisation you are familiar with, either your current workplace, a business you own or one you have previously been part of or have an interest in. You may also select a public organisation whose financial data and annual reports you can easily access. You are required to address the above mentioned criteria.

    Task Methodology

    To achieve minimum pass you must attempt all of the pass criteria from 1.1 – 3.2.To achieve merit you must complete all of the pass criteria and the merit criteria 1M1 -3M1.To achieve distinction you must attempt the above and attempt the distinction criteria.

    Exemplar of learning outcomes tested within pass criteria

    Understand the importance of financial data in formulating and delivering business strategySources of financial information: Internal (internal accounting systems, payroll etc.), External (suppliers, Companies House, the Budget etc.)Financial information: Profitability, Cash flow, Business value, Financial stability, Cost projections.Need for financial information: Assessing finance requirements, obtaining finance, reporting to owners, shareholders and stakeholders, Setting and meeting targets, appraising new projects, Managing risk, Internal needs v External needs.Business risks: Strategic, Market, Compliance, Operational, Risk modelling.Be able to analyse financial data for an organisation in order to inform strategic decision making purposesPublished accounts: Purpose, Provide information to shareholders/stakeholders, Users – for example, shareholders, potential shareholders, managers, employees, lenders, creditors, suppliers, customers, community, competitors, Annual reports, including main financial statements (statements of financial position, income statements, sources and statements of  cash flows), director’s report, audit report, notes to accounts etc., Internal management accounts versus published financial accounts, Structure of financial statements – content and requirements, Limitations of published accounts.Comparative analysis: Comparison between years, Comparison between businesses, Industry comparisons, Benchmarking.Ratio analysis: Reasons for using ratios, advantages and limitations, Ratio categories, including profitability, liquidity, efficiency, capital and investor.Be able to evaluate proposals for strategic decisions on capital expenditure in an organisationTypes of expenditure, difference between capital and revenue expenditure (definitions, decision making, treatment in financial statements)Investment appraisal techniques: Payback, Accounting rate of return, Net present value, Internal rate of return, Discounted cash flow, Cost benefit analysis, Value for money.Long term and short-term finance: Definitions of long term and short term, Importance of matching finance to project.Sources of finance: Range of sources, External and internal sources, Role of markets, Role of government, Long term and short term, Advantages and disadvantages of each source, Implications of each source, for example gearing.Cash flow management: Cash flow forecasts v Cash flow statements, Managing inventory, trade payables, trade receivables, etc., Budgetary control processes – budgets and variances

    The coursework must be submitted in business report format with executive summary, contents, headings and references

  • Using examples, write an account on leadership practice in an organisation.  The account must: Examine leadership practiceswithin organisations (AC1.1) Evaluate the use of TWO (2) theoretical approachesto responsible leadership (AC1.2)


    Assessment brief CMI 526 has been designed to develop managers’ understanding of ethical leadership and the impact of culture and values on leadership. Managers will examine leadership models and the concept of empowerment, with consideration of techniques and methods for leading others.


    TASK 1

    Using examples, write an account on leadership practice in an organisation.  The account must:

    Examine leadership practiceswithin organisations (AC1.1)Evaluate the use of TWO (2) theoretical approachesto responsible leadership (AC1.2)Analyse the impact of TWO (2) internal and TWO (2) external factors on leadership practice (AC1.3)


    There is much debate about the definitions for leadership and management, and the relationship between them. By understanding their relationship and the way leadership styles can be applied in a variety of contexts, a leader will be equipped with the knowledge to lead others in the workplace.


    You manage a department in a medium sized organisation.  Following a successful year that has seen significant growth in sales, the organisation has ambitious plans to re-locate to a new business park (40 miles away from its current location).

    A number of staff within your department have chosen not to re-locate with the organisation so there will be vacancies in your team.

    The team members that have decided to move with the company are concerned about the re-location and how the new team will gel in time to achieve challenging targets.

    You are responsible for the recruitment and selection of new staff and leading team members to be effective in their roles.

    The objectives are for all departments to meet new operational targets within 3 months of the move

    TASK 2

    Basing your response on the scenario, your own experience of leading individuals and teams or using well chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched:

    Write an account which:

    Examines the relationshipbetween management and leadership (AC2.1)Evaluates THREE (3)leadership styles which can be used in organisations (AC2.2

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    Leadership has the power to impact on the achievement of organisational objectives.  It is essential for leaders to empower others, develop trust among those they manage and create cohesive teams which are adaptable to change.

    TASK 3

    Basing your response on the scenario, your own experience of leading individuals and teams or using well chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched:

    You are required to write a report entitled ‘The impact of leadership within organisations’. The report must use examples to:

    Evaluate how leadership supportsthe achievement of organisational objectives (AC3.1)Analyse the concept of empowerment and trustin leading others (AC3.2)Examine THREE (3) techniquesfor creating a cohesive team (AC3.3Assess the need to adapt leadership approaches to meet changing needs (AC3.4)

  • Explain how the Employment Tribunal, the County Court, The Health and Safety Executive and the Information Commissioner might each have a role to play were Amina and/or Olga decide to bring legal complaints in respect

    7OS01 Advanced Employment Law in Practice

    Question 1 Assessment Criterion

    1.2 Explain how the Employment Tribunal, the County Court, The Health and Safety Executive and the Information Commissioner might each have a role to play were Amina and/or Olga decide to bring legal complaints in respect of the decisions discussed in the case study?

    Question 2 Assessment Criterion

    2.2 What potential legal risks can you identify in respect of discrimination law? What defences might the company be able to put forward were any of these matters to come before an employment tribunal?

    Question 3 Assessment Criterion

    3.2 What legal risks might Frank’s company assume in respect of dismissal law if he was to dismiss Amina in order to retain Tony?

    Question 4 Assessment Criterion

    4.3 Olga writes to complain about her company car being given to Amina and Frank’s refusal to allow her to return to work on a part-time basis. How should he respond from a legal perspective?

  • You are working as a business consultant for a consultancy company [named organisation/an organisation of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate]. You have been approached by a business organisation

    BTEC Unit 19 – Research Project Report

    Unit Learning Outcomes:

    LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and methods to identify those appropriate to the research process.

    LO2 Develop a research proposal, including a supporting literature review.

    LO3 Analyse data using appropriate techniques to communicate research findings.

    LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and process.

    Assignment Brief and Guidance:

    Scenario and activity:

    You are working as a business consultant for a consultancy company [named organisation/an organisation of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate]. You have been approached by a business organisation to conduct research into a key area of business and have been provided with a theme which will be the focus of the research (Corporate Social Responsibility). The organisation has left it to you to decide what would be appropriate to investigate in this area of business and for you to choose the research topic.

    Once you have identified your research topic and objective you will undertake the following steps to collect, analyse, and present your findings. This will be presented in the form of a research report.

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    Completea Literature Review (Secondary Research)

    You need to know what the key literature is related to the research objective in order to plan a research study to explore the phenomenon. Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic. Evaluate the validity and reliability of the sources, discussing current understanding on the research topic area

    In your report discuss the sources of literature found and how they relate or otherwise to the research topic. Your report should critically evaluate literature in order to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic.

    Developa project proposal for researching the research objective identified

    Your research proposal identifies the purpose of the research project with clear aim and objectives and justifies the chosen research methods in terms of the research question.

    Discuss the ethical issues which will need to be considered and examine the research methods and approaches to be taken.

    Prepare an action plan with target dates and methods for monitoring and updating your activities to ensure your met the deadline for the final written report.

    Carryout independent primary research

    Design, implement, collect and critically analyse data. For example, using a survey/questionnaire/interview or other primary research technique collect data and then present and analyse findings. Present your findings using visual illustrations e.g. bar charts/pie graphs/tables.

    Your report will include the critical analysis of data and the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods and approaches taken to data collection.

    Communicateoutcomes – Report

    Develop a report that provides valid and justified recommendations for the business organisation based on the analysis of the research both primary and secondary. Your findings and outcomes must be based on the research proposal objective’s and refer back to this in drawing your conclusions.

    Finally critically reflect on how you have conducted the project, the lessons learnt and the alternatives you would consider in the future with recommendations for actions to be taken forward.

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    Title Page

    It is important that you state clearly, at the beginning of the assignment, what its title is, which module it applies to and your name as theYoushould also include the College name, report title and the

    Executive Summary

    Asummary should be provided, so that people can see at a glance what the report is  You should mention your  ey findings, conclusions and recommendations.Thissummary is usually printed immediately after the title

    Contents Page

    Page numbersas well as section/chapter titles should be includedIfthe report incorporates some appendices, their titles should be listed


    At list of names, roles and organisations (if relevant) of all of those who helped you when compiling the report should be listed

    Terms of Reference

    Refer to your project proposal


    This section should provide some of the background of the subject that forms theprinciple theme of yourIf the report is designed to solve a perceived ‘problem’, the history of the ‘problem’ can be reviewed here, culminating in the situation that prompted the report to be writtenYoushould also provide some key information about the organisation in which your research is


    Thissection is needed for the reader to judge the authenticity of the ‘evidence’ that comprises the main body of the report. All sources should be mentioned and, if appropriate, describe how you put together your questionnaire orCopiesof questionnaires, interview questions  should be included in the appendices.Ifany published documents were studied, this should be mentioned here

    Main Body

    This is likely to comprise many paragraphs or  It is often useful to break up your assignment into subheadings.Thissection should be structured around the key themes of your researchUsetables, charts if  Your presentation of data is importantThissection should bring together your secondary and primary research and your findings


    In this section you should say what your facts or findings mean e. discuss the key implications arising from the wealth of detail you may have collected.Your findings and outcomes should be relating back to your initial research objective andproposalThe conclusions shouldnot incorporate any new facts


    Yourrecommendations should clearly spell out your ideas to enable them to be acted


    Allreferences in the report should be listed in the correct Harvard format


    All detailed statistical tabulations, graphs, lists, questionnaires etc. should be organisedinto separate appendicesIncludea list of references (sources that are actually cited in the report itself)

    Nothing should be included that isn’t referred to in the main body of the report.

  • Assessment brief CMI 703 has been designed to enable learners to evidence their understanding of collaborative and partnership arrangements. Leaders will critically assess the scope and value of these, as well as evaluating the impact

    CMI Unit 703: Collaboration and Partnerships


    Collaboration and partnerships can turn ideas into reality, enhancing opportunities for innovation and creativity, research and development. Increasingly, collaboration and partnership working are required to be successful in gaining a bid or tender.

    Assessment brief CMI 703 has been designed to enable learners to evidence their understanding of collaborative and partnership arrangements. Leaders will critically assess the scope and value of these, as well as evaluating the impact of organisational and legal frameworks on how these arrangements are delivered. The unit culminates in the requirement for the leader to present a rationale for collaboration or partnerships to further an organisation’s success.


    LO1 Understand the role of collaboration and partnerships

    1.1 Critically assess the scope and value of collaboration and partnerships to support the achievement of strategic objectives Approx. 2000 words

    1.2 Critically evaluate the impact of organisational and legal frameworks on collaboration and partnerships

    1.3 Appraise strategies and principles for making collaboration and partnerships a success

    LO2 Know how collaboration and partnerships further organisational success

    2.1 Present a rationale for developing a collaborative relationship or partnership to further organisational success

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  • Conduct research to deliver the management project Research refers to data and information which is sufficient, current, authentic, reliable and valid. It may include but is not limited to review of concepts, theories and assumptions

    Conducting a management project

    Learning Outcome

    2 Be able to conduct a management project Assessment Criteria

    2.1 Conduct research to deliver the management project Research refers to data and information which is sufficient, current, authentic, reliable and valid. It may include but is not limited to review of concepts, theories and assumptions (literature review), analysis of legislation/policy/industry standards, understanding of market trends, knowledge of organisation and industry sector, comparative study across organisations/countries /cultures, primary/secondary/qualitative/quantitative data and information.

    2.2 Analyse and interpret research findings using relevant tools and techniques Tools and techniques may include but are not limited to mono and multiple use of quantitative techniques e.g. statistical analysis and qualitative techniques e.g. Framework Analysis (Pope et al, 2000), Thematic Network Analysis (Attride-Stirling, 2001), triangulation

    2.3 Use research findings to analyse options to meet the project aim Analyse options refers to the use of tools such as Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), options appraisal, key performance indicators (KPI), grid analysis, Expectancy Theory (Vroom, 1964), Rational Decision Making (Kepner Tregoe, 1965), OODA Loops (Boyd, 1998).

    2.4 Draw conclusions and propose recommendations Conclusions may include but are not limited to summary of research, results of analysis, limitations of research, impact of limitations on findings, key themes leading to recommendations.

  • Task 1: Overview Identify and describe your chosen organisation (YourOrg) in one paragraph of no more than 100 words. Then summarise the new venture you have conceived (YourVent) in a second paragraph of no more than 100 words.

    The assignment comprises 6 (SIX) tasks. You must respond to all tasks.

    Task 1: Overview

    Identify and describe your chosen organisation (YourOrg) in one paragraph of no more than 100 words. Then summarise the new venture you have conceived (YourVent) in a second paragraph of no more than 100 words. The latter should briefly explain the type of organisation, its aims, products, services, and operations.

    NOTE: these two paragraphs will not receive any marks and do not count against the word quota for the assignment.

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    Task 2: Understand How Business Organisations are Financed

    Use the financial information for YourOrg to analyse how long-term and short-term finance has been used and invested within the organisation. Critically evaluate how finance has been managed to attain the goals of the organisation.

    Task 3: Assessing Financial Performance

    Critically evaluate, in summary form, the performance of YourOrg over the last five years in financial and non-financial terms.

    You should include, in the appendices, analysis of the performance of YourOrg from the published ratios for the last five years, within the notes to the published accounts of YourOrg. And, using the organisation’s balanced scorecard or similar published data within the annual reports, assess the success or otherwise of the organisation in addressing the needs of customers, employees, the environment and ethical concerns.

    Task 4: Performance of YourVent

    It has been decided that YourVent should have an initial funding of $100,000. The person proposing setting up the organisation is wealthy and could provide the capital and/or guarantee any loans to be obtained. And others interested in YourVent also have substantial funds available.

    Summarise the goals of YourVent and decide what type of organisation it should be (e..g. sole trader, partnership, charity, etc) and what its capital structure should be.

    Briefly explain the financial transactions that YourVent will need to undertake in its first month of operations and decide how its performance should be measured in financial and non-financial terms, setting out the basic principles you regard as Indicators of its success. Make reference to the financial statements and notes you Include in the appendices as detailed in the following paragraph.

    In the appendices, forecast how you imagine its income statement and statement of financial position should look and include notes describing TWO (2) accounting policies and principles that it would be appropriate to follow, using this to help illustrate your explanation in the paragraph above.

    Task 5: Support for Decision Making

    Discuss how YourVent will require and use basic costing information to assist with decision making. Give Illustrative examples relevant to YourVent and its goals as you have previously described.

    Explain the financial information that YourVent would need to provide to external users of financial accounts as compared with YourOrg.

    Checkout Also: TAX37W0 Taxation Assignment Task Solutions for Students

    Task 6: Management Accounting for Business Decisions

    Assess the potential uses of TWO of the following techniques to YourVent and illustrate how the two you have selected, which should be different from techniques addressed In answering Task 5, could be used to assist in decisions within the organisation:

    Absorption costingMarginal costingActivity Based costingBreak-even analysisBudgetingCapital Investment appraisal

    Explain both of the two techniques and evaluate the usefulness or otherwise of each and provide reasoned recommendations for the adoption of one of the techniques. Illustrate, with an example, how the technique recommended could be employed in an organisation of the type and size of YourVent to meet its goals.

  • Critically discuss the challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership in the devolution. In doing so, you need to: Provide a broad review of the devolution of HRM to line managers. Analyze fundam

    Assessment Detail:-

    Number of Words: 2000Subject: Business and HR Strategies

    Learning Outcomes

    After completing this assessment, the students should be able to:

    Critically evaluate theoretical constructs of Business and HR Strategy, including their relationship.Critically analyse a range of concepts, such as change management and the ways in which these can be horizontally and vertically integrated.

    Assessment Guidelines

    For this essay-style assignment, you are asked to read related academic theory on Business and HR strategies and cover the below tasks:

    Task 1

    Critically discuss the challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership in the devolution. In doing so, you need to:

    Provide a broad review of the devolution of HRM to line managers.Analyze fundamental theories relevant to the topics under study and potential problems or controversies in the area.Evaluate the current literature and the scholarly research in the design of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership.Hire Our MBA Assignment Help Experts Now: Secure Your Grade with HRM Assignments.

    Task 2

    Design and evaluate an action plan of devolution of HRM to line managers in an organization of your choice using relevant theories, best practices, and models which are supported by the current literature and practice. In doing so, you need to:

    Present, analyze and discuss the action plan and the organization of your choice.Provide scientific evidence that supports the use of the specific methods, tools, models, and techniques.Evaluate the action plan in the broader context and its relation to appropriate theories.Discuss the strengths/weaknesses of the proposed action plan regarding its effectiveness, efficiency and applicability in the chosen organization.Must Read: Most Engaging Communication Research Topics for Students

    In your answers, you should support your arguments with theoretical/empirical findings which have used similar actions.

    Your essay should be structured as follows

    Title of SectionCriteriaMarks AwardedAbstract (100 words)Overview of the topics and questions posed.5Introduction (150 words)Summary of the essay, giving the general background information, the main aim and scope of the assignment, the theories that will be discussed, and their order.10Task 1: (700 words)

    1.1 The challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers

    1.2 The role of leadership in the devolution

    A broad review of the devolution of HRM to line managers.Fundamental theories relevant to the topics under study and potential problems or controversies in the area.Evaluate the current literature and the scholarly research in the design of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership.25Task 2: (900 words)


    2.1 Action plan of devolution of HRM to line managers in (give the name of  the organization of your choice)

    2.2 Best practices and models supported by the current literature and practice

    Presentation, analysis and discussion of the action plan and the organization of your choice.Scientific evidence that supports the use of the specific methods, tools, models and techniques.Evaluation of the action plan in the broader context and its relation to appropriate theories.Discussion of strengths/weaknesses of the proposed action plan regarding its effectiveness, efficiency and applicability in the chosen organization.

    You should support your arguments with theoretical/empirical findings which have used similar actions.


    Conclusion (150 words)A comprehensive recap of what was discussed in the main body of the report.Ability to draw main points of discussion together.Critical linkages of the key points and findings of the discussion to essay title.15Formatting, Structure and Referencing (List of references not included in word count)High-quality presentation of the material conforms to academic writing principles and contains minimal sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation errors.A logical structure is followed.The essay follows appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text citations and references.

  • Design and evaluate an action plan of devolution of HRM to line managers in an organization of your choice using relevant theories, best practices, and models which are supported by the current literature and practice. In doing so, you need t

    Assessment Detail:-

    Number of Words: 2000Subject: Business and HR Strategies

    Learning Outcomes

    After completing this assessment, the students should be able to:

    Critically evaluate theoretical constructs of Business and HR Strategy, including their relationship.Critically analyse a range of concepts, such as change management and the ways in which these can be horizontally and vertically integrated.

    Assessment Guidelines

    For this essay-style assignment, you are asked to read related academic theory on Business and HR strategies and cover the below tasks:

    Task 1

    Critically discuss the challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership in the devolution. In doing so, you need to:

    Provide a broad review of the devolution of HRM to line managers.Analyze fundamental theories relevant to the topics under study and potential problems or controversies in the area.Evaluate the current literature and the scholarly research in the design of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership.Hire Our MBA Assignment Help Experts Now: Secure Your Grade with HRM Assignments.

    Task 2

    Design and evaluate an action plan of devolution of HRM to line managers in an organization of your choice using relevant theories, best practices, and models which are supported by the current literature and practice. In doing so, you need to:

    Present, analyze and discuss the action plan and the organization of your choice.Provide scientific evidence that supports the use of the specific methods, tools, models, and techniques.Evaluate the action plan in the broader context and its relation to appropriate theories.Discuss the strengths/weaknesses of the proposed action plan regarding its effectiveness, efficiency and applicability in the chosen organization.Must Read: Most Engaging Communication Research Topics for Students

    In your answers, you should support your arguments with theoretical/empirical findings which have used similar actions.

    Your essay should be structured as follows

    Title of SectionCriteriaMarks AwardedAbstract (100 words)Overview of the topics and questions posed.5Introduction (150 words)Summary of the essay, giving the general background information, the main aim and scope of the assignment, the theories that will be discussed, and their order.10Task 1: (700 words)

    1.1 The challenges of the devolution of HRM to line managers

    1.2 The role of leadership in the devolution

    A broad review of the devolution of HRM to line managers.Fundamental theories relevant to the topics under study and potential problems or controversies in the area.Evaluate the current literature and the scholarly research in the design of the devolution of HRM to line managers and the role of leadership.25Task 2: (900 words)


    2.1 Action plan of devolution of HRM to line managers in (give the name of  the organization of your choice)

    2.2 Best practices and models supported by the current literature and practice

    Presentation, analysis and discussion of the action plan and the organization of your choice.Scientific evidence that supports the use of the specific methods, tools, models and techniques.Evaluation of the action plan in the broader context and its relation to appropriate theories.Discussion of strengths/weaknesses of the proposed action plan regarding its effectiveness, efficiency and applicability in the chosen organization.

    You should support your arguments with theoretical/empirical findings which have used similar actions.


    Conclusion (150 words)A comprehensive recap of what was discussed in the main body of the report.Ability to draw main points of discussion together.Critical linkages of the key points and findings of the discussion to essay title.15Formatting, Structure and Referencing (List of references not included in word count)High-quality presentation of the material conforms to academic writing principles and contains minimal sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation errors.A logical structure is followed.The essay follows appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text citations and references.

  • Briefly explain what the PEST and SWOT are and how they are created. Remember, they are regularly reviewed and updated by management teams. You should reference the theory of both models appropriately.

    Q1. Briefly explain what the PEST and SWOT are and how they are created. Remember, they are regularly reviewed and updated by management teams. You should reference the theory of both models appropriately. Produce a PEST and SWOT for Air Light prior to the change based on data from the case study. The contents of the PEST and SWOT presented in tables are excluded from the word count. The elements / drivers for change identified in the PEST impact on the Opportunities and Threats sections of the SWOT. The internal factors in the case study impact the Strengths and Weaknesses sections.

    Q2. Nature of change is focused on a discussion around transformational versus incremental change. What is transformational change (according to the literature) – what is incremental change (according to the literature) – and the discuss what type of change Air Light is going through, detailing the rationale for deciding this (the case study evidence). You should cover Nadler’s (1995) model relating to the different types of incremental and transformational change as the key model that underpins this discussion.

    Q3. The theory is Kirkpatrick’s reactions to change (2001) – positive, negative and mixed and the other model is Carnall’s coping cycle (2003). Please cover each model from a theoretical perspective, explain what the theory of each is and then consider where employees might be in each of the models as a first step in analysing the situation. Then go on to consider how to mitigate some of the issues arising from each group of employees.

    Q4. Recommendations gathered from across your analysis should be presented in a table format. A potential table format is provided below.

    RecommendationPriority Level High/Medium/LowRationale for the recommendation and for the priority assigned to it.

    Create your introduction last as it explains the approach you have taken to answer each question.

    Remember, to use headings to signpost the contents of each section. Try to avoid Q1, Q2 etc. but instead use an imaginative title that fully reflects the content of that section e.g. What are the external / internal drivers impacting upon Air Light.