
  • Solution- You have been hired as the Senior Global Project Manager by the Timm Coconut Transnational Motor Corporation to manage their newly created Project Management Office. You are in charge of their


    Final Paper


    In your final paper for this course, you will apply the principles of project management to a real project. Choose a project or endeavor that has recently been completed and that has been reported on in the media. You may find it simplest to choose a project that underwent difficulties because such projects will have had more coverage. For example, Boston’s Big Dig or the Hurricane Katrina or Sandy recovery efforts are projects which much has been written about.

    The steps in completing this paper are as follows:

    1. Decide on a topic for the final paper. CHOOSE ARMY RECRUITMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. Submit your choice to your mentor for approval and advice. Consult the Course Calendar for the relevant date for submitting your choice. Try to choose a topic that is as current as possible. However, the project or some major phase of it should be complete so that you can draw conclusions about it.

    2. Submit a topic idea for your paper to your mentor for approval during Module 3. If you have difficulty coming up with ideas, your mentor can make some suggestions.

    3. Do research so that you understand the scope of the project, its progression, its problems, and its outcome.

    4. Review the project management concepts presented in this course and discuss how at least 5 (but no more than 7) are illustrated successfully or unsuccessfully in this project. Analyze what you think went wrong and how problems might have been avoided or corrected.

    5. Write a paper of 14 to 15 pages (3500 to 3800 words) discussing the project and the project management concepts you chose. Refer to the following list of guidelines for more complete instructions.

    • Your paper should be 14 to 15 pages (3500 to 3800 words) long and should cover the topic already described.

    • Follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).

    • Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.

    • Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.

    • Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

    The following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments.

    • OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University
    • Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
    • APA Guidelines
    Information Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad to request books or articles, etc.)


    Final Project

    For your final project in this course, you are required to produce a report to company executives. Details of what your paper should contain and how it should be structured are below.

    Course objectives covered in this project include: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    You have been hired as the Senior Global Project Manager by the Timm Coconut Transnational Motor Corporation to manage their newly created Project Management Office.

    You are in charge of their first international expansion of their automobile sales to Johannesburg, South Africa.

    The company wants to start exporting and selling their cars and trucks from America to Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 months from today. Following that, in 24 to 36 months, they plan to start manufacturing their cars and trucks in Johannesburg, South Africa for African, Australian, and Indian markets.

    You are tasked by the executives to send them a proposal on the viability of this vision using the guidelines noted below.

    The deliverable for the assignment is a document suitable for executive consumption in the home organization.

    Qualities of completeness and succinctness are highly prized, as they are in all good business writing.

    Following is a recommended format for the project. The project should include the following:

    1. Cover Page
    2. Executive Summary
    3. Organizational Vision and Mission (estimate 1/2 page)
    4. Overall Strategy (est. 1/2 page)
    o Generic strategies and modes of entry
    o Source of sustainable competitive advantage
    5. Analysis
    o External Environment (Risks: Opportunities and Threats) (est. 1+ page)
     Global business environment (risks)
    • Legal & contractual / Ethical / Trade barriers
    • Technological / Intellectual property
    • Social / cultural & religious / political
    • Economic / business / financial
    • Industry environment (immediate competition)
    o Internal environment (competencies: strengths and weaknesses) (est. 1+ page)
     Audit of:
    • Project management best practices, methodology, maturity
     /distinctive competencies and capabilities
     Organizational factors
    • Culture, formal structure
    o Summary of internal strengths and weaknesses v. external opportunities and threats (SWOT) (est. 1/2 page)
     Gap analysis
    6. Enterprise-Wide Project Management Strategy
    o Subcontracts, partnerships, networks, other interdependent structures
    o Project management organization (est. 2 pages)
     Roles and functions (centralized and standardized)
     Sponsorship and executive champions
    o Project Portfolio (est. 1 page per project; 2 or 4 projects)
     Strategic linkages to mission and other projects
     Cost: Funding, ROI, NPV, Payback (general discussion)
     Scope
     Schedule
    7. Summary and Conclusion (est. 1/2 pages)
    8. References

    • Your paper should be 2800 to 3000 words long (with a typical font and spacing this will be between 11 and 12 pages in length) and should cover the directives already listed.
    • You should follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).
    • Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
    • Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.
    • Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

    If you are interested in knowing how your paper will be graded, check the rubric found in the Evaluation Rubrics folder on this site.



    Final Paper


    In your final paper for this course, you will apply the principles of project management to a real project. Choose a project or endeavor that has recently been completed and that has been reported on in the media. You may find it simplest to choose a project that underwent difficulties because such projects will have had more coverage. For example, Boston’s Big Dig or the Hurricane Katrina or Sandy recovery efforts are projects which much has been written about.

    The steps in completing this paper are as follows:

    1. Decide on a topic for the final paper. CHOOSE ARMY RECRUITMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. Submit your choice to your mentor for approval and advice. Consult the Course Calendar for the relevant date for submitting your choice. Try to choose a topic that is as current as possible. However, the project or some major phase of it should be complete so that you can draw conclusions about it.

    2. Submit a topic idea for your paper to your mentor for approval during Module 3. If you have difficulty coming up with ideas, your mentor can make some suggestions.

    3. Do research so that you understand the scope of the project, its progression, its problems, and its outcome.

    4. Review the project management concepts presented in this course and discuss how at least 5 (but no more than 7) are illustrated successfully or unsuccessfully in this project. Analyze what you think went wrong and how problems might have been avoided or corrected.

    5. Write a paper of 14 to 15 pages (3500 to 3800 words) discussing the project and the project management concepts you chose. Refer to the following list of guidelines for more complete instructions.

    • Your paper should be 14 to 15 pages (3500 to 3800 words) long and should cover the topic already described.

    • Follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).

    • Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.

    • Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.

    • Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

    The following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments.

    • OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University
    • Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
    • APA Guidelines
    Information Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad to request books or articles, etc.)


    Final Project

    For your final project in this course, you are required to produce a report to company executives. Details of what your paper should contain and how it should be structured are below.

    Course objectives covered in this project include: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    You have been hired as the Senior Global Project Manager by the Timm Coconut Transnational Motor Corporation to manage their newly created Project Management Office.

    You are in charge of their first international expansion of their automobile sales to Johannesburg, South Africa.

    The company wants to start exporting and selling their cars and trucks from America to Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 months from today. Following that, in 24 to 36 months, they plan to start manufacturing their cars and trucks in Johannesburg, South Africa for African, Australian, and Indian markets.

    You are tasked by the executives to send them a proposal on the viability of this vision using the guidelines noted below.

    The deliverable for the assignment is a document suitable for executive consumption in the home organization.

    Qualities of completeness and succinctness are highly prized, as they are in all good business writing.

    Following is a recommended format for the project. The project should include the following:

    1. Cover Page
    2. Executive Summary
    3. Organizational Vision and Mission (estimate 1/2 page)
    4. Overall Strategy (est. 1/2 page)
    o Generic strategies and modes of entry
    o Source of sustainable competitive advantage
    5. Analysis
    o External Environment (Risks: Opportunities and Threats) (est. 1+ page)
     Global business environment (risks)
    • Legal & contractual / Ethical / Trade barriers
    • Technological / Intellectual property
    • Social / cultural & religious / political
    • Economic / business / financial
    • Industry environment (immediate competition)
    o Internal environment (competencies: strengths and weaknesses) (est. 1+ page)
     Audit of:
    • Project management best practices, methodology, maturity
     /distinctive competencies and capabilities
     Organizational factors
    • Culture, formal structure
    o Summary of internal strengths and weaknesses v. external opportunities and threats (SWOT) (est. 1/2 page)
     Gap analysis
    6. Enterprise-Wide Project Management Strategy
    o Subcontracts, partnerships, networks, other interdependent structures
    o Project management organization (est. 2 pages)
     Roles and functions (centralized and standardized)
     Sponsorship and executive champions
    o Project Portfolio (est. 1 page per project; 2 or 4 projects)
     Strategic linkages to mission and other projects
     Cost: Funding, ROI, NPV, Payback (general discussion)
     Scope
     Schedule
    7. Summary and Conclusion (est. 1/2 pages)
    8. References

    • Your paper should be 2800 to 3000 words long (with a typical font and spacing this will be between 11 and 12 pages in length) and should cover the directives already listed.
    • You should follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).
    • Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
    • Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.
    • Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

    If you are interested in knowing how your paper will be graded, check the rubric found in the Evaluation Rubrics folder on this site.

  • The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts discussed in this course to the real world. One outcome of this class is to create a business plan for a potential business. A business plan is utilized for planning the specific details of a business

    Assignment Instructions
    The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts discussed in this course to the real world.
    One outcome of this class is to create a business plan for a potential business. A business plan is utilized for planning the specific details of a business such as operational strategies, market identification, financial benchmarks, and much more. When crafting your business plan you can think about it as if it were a road map. Much like a map, a business plan guides the entrepreneur in the direction of his/her final goal. Also like road maps, some journeys are short and simple and some are long and complex.

    Business plans can range from a single cocktail napkin to dozens of pages with formal sections, including a table of contents and a title page. However, the exact requirements will depend on purpose and for whom you are preparing the plan. For this class, you will create a business plan using the Lean Canvas Business Model. The Lean Canvas modeling system is open source and there are many resources available on the internet for additional information. It is an excellent resource for those new to the business planning process or wanting to utilize a fresh approach for conceptualizing the components of a business and putting them on paper.

    The Assignment
    For this week, concentrate on completing the Cost Structure and Unfair Advantage sections. This will be from 19:11-22:42 in the video (Lean Canvas Business Model – Compete). Feel free to pause the video as you go along to create entries for each section. These entries will either be phrases or short sentences describing your customer segments, aspects of the problem you are attempting to solve with your proposed solutions, and the unique value proposition you will present for your business. This “outline” will help you develop a one to two page summary, going into further detail regarding your business plan.
    By the due date, you should submit a one to two page summary describing each of the sections. This will eventually be used to develop the complete business plan/model for your final project (likely at least 3-5 pages for the final). Submit the assignment in either PDF or Word format. You will receive feedback that will help you develop your final business plan which is due in module seven.

  • Construct and optimize the resulting waveform for the Q and Q̅outputs based on the input waveform given in Figure-01. Identify any setup and hold time violations using the Timing Diagrams and propose adjustments to the D input transitions to avoid these violations. Illustrate these changes in a revised Timing Diagram.

    BTEC Unit 20: Digital Principles
    LO1 Explain and analyse simple combinational logic circuits

    Map. P1 Explain and analyse the operation of a simple combinational logic circuit, making limited use of Truth Table, Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Map.

    M1 Analyse and optimise the operation of a combinational logic circuit making good use of Truth Table, Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Map.

    D1 Analyse, optimise and enhance combinational logic circuits, making best use of Truth Table, Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh

    LO2 Explain and analyse simple sequential logic circuits

    . P2 Explain and analyse the operation of a simple sequential logic circuit, making use of Timing Diagrams.

    M2 Analyse and optimise a simple sequential logic circuit, making use of Timing Diagrams.

    D2 Analyse, optimise and enhance a sequential logic circuit, making use of Timing Diagrams

    LO3 Describe and evaluate the technologies used to implement digital electronic circuits

    P3 Apply lab equipment to describe and evaluate simple digital circuits.

    M3 Apply lab equipment to configure and test simple digital circuits.

    D3 Apply lab equipment to configure, test and evaluate digital circuits, comparing and evaluating characteristics of different technologies.

    LO4 Describe and analyse a range of digital subsystems, hence establishing the building blocks for larger systems

    P4 Describe and analyse the principles of a range of different logic subsystems.

    M4 Describe and analyse a range of different logic subsystems, indicating the place they might take in a larger system.

    D4 Describe and critically evaluate a range of different logic subsystems, comparing these with other techniques or subsystems available, indicating the place, they might take in a larger system.

    Do You Need Assignment of This Question

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    Assignment Questions:
    Q1. (Learning Outcome 1)

    Explain, analyze, optimize, and enhance the operation of a simple combinational logic circuit with three (03) fail-safe sensors and one (01) emergency shutdown switch. The line should keep moving unless any of the following conditions arise:

    If the emergency switch is pressed, the system shuts down.
    If sensor 1 and sensor 2 are activated at the same time, the system shuts down.
    If sensor 2 and sensor 3 are activated at the same time, the system shuts down.
    If all sensors are activated at the same time, the system shuts down.
    A. Explain, analyze, and optimize the operation of the combinational logic circuit: In order to do this,

    1. Construct the truth table for the above scenario.

    2. Derive the Boolean expression (un-simplified) for the system shutdown conditions.

    3. Simplify the Boolean expression using a Karnaugh Map.

    4. Implement the digital logic circuit for the simplified expression using:

    1. AND, OR, and NOT gates

    2. Only NAND gates

    3. Only NOR gates

    Use appropriate variables and write down any assumptions made during the circuit implementation.

    B. Enhance the combinational logic circuit by providing two advantages of simplifying Boolean expressions rather than implementing them in the un-simplified format.

    Q2. (Learning Outcome 2)
    1. Explain the operation of the D flip-flop as a simple sequential logic circuit.

    2. Given the D flip-flop circuit in Figure-01 and the input waveforms for D and CLK in Figure-02, answer the following:

    BTEC Unit 20: Explain and analyse simple combinational logic circuits- Digital Principles Assignment 1, UK

    BTEC Unit 20: Explain and analyse simple combinational logic circuits

    a. Analyse and determine the output waveforms for both the Q and Q̅outputs for all six clock pulses given. Complete the table below, stating all your assumptions and workings related to the answer:

    BTEC Unit 20: Explain and analyse simple combinational logic circuits

    Buy Answer of This Assessment & Raise Your Grades

    Request to Buy Answer
    b. Construct and optimize the resulting waveform for the Q and Q̅outputs based on the input waveform given in Figure-01. Identify any setup and hold time violations using the Timing Diagrams and propose adjustments to the D input transitions to avoid these violations. Illustrate these changes in a revised Timing Diagram.

    c. Enhance the sequential logic circuit by discussing the benefits of the proposed optimizations and their impact on the circuit’s performance and efficiency.

    Q3. (Learning Outcome 4)
    A. Certain digital equipment used in a medical laboratory consists of 128KB (Kilobytes) of main memory for storing information & data. The processor fetches and writes the data to and from the main memory. Main memory has the following characteristics.

    Memory is divided into memory locations (memory cells), which each location can hold one byte.

    Each memory location must be addressable individually.
    Each memory location has a unique memory address. The processor of the equipment uses an address decoder for communicating with the main memory.
    I. Describe the function of an address decoder in between the processor and the main memory. Analyze why this function is critical for memory access.

    II. Calculate how many input lines (address lines) should be necessary in minimum when the processor wants to address the entire memory.

    III. Draw the block diagram of the decoder which is used in the medical equipment. Mention the type of decoder into format of N-to-M decoder.


    . I. Describe the general concept of encoding something.

    II. The digital encoder depicted in this diagram utilizes a basic configuration of switches and diodes. Describe the function of this circuit as the switch is switched between various positions. Analyze how the encoder output might be used in a larger digital system.

    BTEC Unit 20: Explain and analyse simple combinational logic circuits

    III. Based on the truth table below, determine which diode has failed in the circuit. Please note that the table represents the actual behavior of the encoder circuit, not what it’s supposed to do.

    IV. Analyze how a Multimeter can be used to identify a malfunctioning diode in the circuit. Explain the rationale behind the forward and reverse bias testing procedures, and how the readings on the Multimeter help determine the state (good or bad) of the diode.

    V. Critically evaluate the limitations of using a simple encoder circuit like the one shown in the diagram (Section B.II) compared to alternative encoding techniques. Briefly mention a possible alternative and its advantages.

  • To prepare  Familiarize yourself with following databases found in the Walden Library: o Thoreau o APA PsycInfo o Criminal Justice database  Select a forensic psychol

    To prepare Familiarize yourself with following databases found in the Walden Library: o Thoreau o APA PsycInfo o Criminal Justice database Select a forensic psychology topic of interest to you, and then search that topic in each of the three databases. Consider the similarities and differences between the results you generated with each database. Postthe following: Share the forensic psychology topic of interest that you searched. Describe your results from each of the three databases. Based on this search experience, explain how you will determine the best ways to search for articles relevant to your study or dissertation. Although there is no specific word count required for Discussion posts, a

  • Assignment Instructions Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts discussed in this course to the real world. One outcome of this class is to create a business plan for a potential business. A business plan is utilized for planning the specific details of a busine

    Assignment Instructions


    The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts discussed in this course to the real world.

    One outcome of this class is to create a business plan for a potential business. A business plan is utilized for planning the specific details of a business such as operational strategies, market identification, financial benchmarks, and much more. When crafting your business plan you can think about it as if it were a road map. Much like a map, a business plan guides the entrepreneur in the direction of his/her final goal. Also like road maps, some journeys are short and simple and some are long and complex.


    Business plans can range from a single cocktail napkin to dozens of pages with formal sections, including a table of contents and a title page. However, the exact requirements will depend on purpose and for whom you are preparing the plan. For this class, you will create a business plan using the Lean Canvas Business Model. The Lean Canvas modeling system is open source and there are many resources available on the internet for additional information. It is an excellent resource for those new to the business planning process or wanting to utilize a fresh approach for conceptualizing the components of a business and putting them on paper.


    The Assignment

    For this week, concentrate on completing the Cost Structure and Unfair Advantage sections. This will be from 19:11-22:42 in the video (Lean Canvas Business Model – Compete). Feel free to pause the video as you go along to create entries for each section. These entries will either be phrases or short sentences describing your customer segments, aspects of the problem you are attempting to solve with your proposed solutions, and the unique value proposition you will present for your business. This “outline” will help you develop a one to two page summary, going into further detail regarding your business plan.

    By the due date, you should submit a one to two page summary describing each of the sections. This will eventually be used to develop the complete business plan/model for your final project (likely at least 3-5 pages for the final). Submit the assignment in either PDF or Word format. You will receive feedback that will help you develop your final business plan which is due in module seven.




  • Criminal Justice database Select a forensic psychology topic of interest to you, and then search that topic in each of the three databases. Consider the similarities and differences between the results you generated with each database. Topic: Poverty and Incarceration

    Share the forensic psychology topic of interest that you searched.

    Describe your results from each of the three databases.

    Based on this search experience, explain how you will determine the best ways to search for articles relevant to your study or dissertation.

    Although there is no specific word count required for Discussion posts, a good initial post can typically be expressed in 200–300 words. Regardless of length, posts should be reflective, substantive, and evidence based.

    Library Search

    APA PsycInfo

    Criminal Justice database

    Select a forensic psychology topic of interest to you, and then search that topic in each of the three databases.

    Consider the similarities and differences between the results you generated with each database.

    Topic: Poverty and Incarceration

  • This assignment has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 3 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience hours com

    Week 4 paper
    The purpose of this assignment is to examine Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) to determine their application in addressing health equity. Develop a presentation outlining task force goals and relevant information for implementing a CDSS system to improve equity of care and promote health for all patients.
    This assignment has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 3 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care
    experience hours completed in Topics 3, 4 and 5. As progress is made on this and subsequent
    assignments, update this form indicating the date(s) each section is completed. This form will
    be submitted in Topic 5. In your role as a nurse informaticist, you have been asked by the
    Chief Informatics Officer (CIO) to evaluate several clinical decision-making tools to be used
    by your organization’s stakeholders. The selected Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
    will be used to analyze the current state of health equity and information literacy in your
    Your first step is to create a task force of stakeholders to participate in the CDSS selection
    process. Prepare a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for the first task force meeting to
    include these agenda items:
     Reason for the Project: Explain the organizational need, reason for the project, rationale
    for implementing a clinical decision-making tool in your organization. Discuss how
    CDSS can improve health equity and information literacy in your organization.
     Task Force Selection: Explain why you have been selected to lead this project. In your
    speaker notes, explain the role of each stakeholder and why they were selected to serve
    on this task force.
     Research: Conduct research and identify one popular CDSS system used in the health
    care industry, include a description of the CDSS system.
     Basic Concepts of Systems: Review the information and communication technologies
    (in the electronic health record, mobile health, and telehealth systems). Select one
    communication technology and discuss how a clinical decision-making tool can be
    incorporated to improve health equity in patient care.
     Crucial Functionality: Describe the crucial functions of the selected CDSS. Explain
    why it is essential to the clinical workflow. Explain the impact of the CDSS on health
    information exchange, interoperability, and integration of health care.
     Task Force Communication: Describe how communication technologies support
    documentation of care and communication among providers and patients at all system
    levels. Discuss how communication technology will be used to communicate with the
    task force members during the project.

    Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student
    Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
    The title slide and reference slide are not included in the slide count. Include speaker notes
    below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in
    person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please
    ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50-75 words.
    Cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within
    the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.
    While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected,
    and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be
    found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
    become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical
    support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
    Benchmark Information
    This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
    8.2: Use information and communication technology to gather data, create information, and generate
    8.4: Use information and communication technology to support documentation of care and
    communication among providers, patients, and all system levels.
    American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education
    This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 8.2 and 8.4

  • Role of Media in Terrorism Response For this session’s assignment, go to the Homeland Security Digital Library ( to search their library for issues associated with

    Role of Media in Terrorism Response

    For this session’s assignment, go to the Homeland Security Digital Library ( to search their library for issues associated with the media, social media, and terrorism in the United States. Use this and other scholarly resources to write a paper on the role of media in terrorism response. Focus your thoughts on how agencies use different formats of media in terrorism response as well as how the media influences the public response.

    Write a paper explaining your thinking on this topic. Your paper must be:

    Three to five pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).

    Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with quality college-level writing.

    Written in Word using APA format. (Make use of the APA assignment template (Word)). It should include the following:

    A cover page.

    Assignment written in an APA approved font and size, double spaced.

    In-text citations to support main points.

    A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support.

    Note: Refer to the APA & Turabian Requirements under your course Help tab for additional APA assistance .

    Supported by a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the Homeland Security Digital Library. The CCU library is one place for locating these resources.

  • Role of Media in Terrorism Response For this session’s assignment, go to the Homeland Security Digital Library ( to search their library for issues associated with the media,

    Role of Media in Terrorism Response

    For this session’s assignment, go to the Homeland Security Digital Library ( to search their library for issues associated with the media, social media, and terrorism in the United States. Use this and other scholarly resources to write a paper on the role of media in terrorism response. Focus your thoughts on how agencies use different formats of media in terrorism response as well as how the media influences the public response.

    Write a paper explaining your thinking on this topic. Your paper must be:

    Three to five pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).

    Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with quality college-level writing.

    Written in Word using APA format. (Make use of the APA assignment template (Word)). It should include the following:

    A cover page.

    Assignment written in an APA approved font and size, double spaced.

    In-text citations to support main points.

    A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support.

    Note: Refer to the APA & Turabian Requirements under your course Help tab for additional APA assistance .

    Supported by a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the Homeland Security Digital Library. The CCU library is one place for locating these resources.