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Scenario: Three undercover police officers were conducting a decoy operation. One officer, David, would dress in an Old Marine Corps jacket, sit in the middle of the sidewalk

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 200 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).Assignment Details Scenario: Three undercover police officers were conducting a decoy operation. One officer, David, would dress in an Old Marine Corps jacket, sit in the middle of the sidewalk, and prominently … Read more

You have just been appointed to a leadership position in a prison in the state where you live. You are the fourth person to be in this role within the past year. Your responsibilities are to ensure that correctional officers are maintaining ethical

Assignment Details You have just been appointed to a leadership position in a prison in the state where you live. You are the fourth person to be in this role within the past year. Your responsibilities are to ensure that correctional officers are maintaining ethical and professional standards while on duty. This paper explores the effect … Read more

Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a business professional and prepare to meet future challenges as a business leader. Your program culminates i

Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a business professional and prepare to meet future challenges as a business leader. Your program culminates in the capstone project, which forms the primary focus of this course, the final course you will take in the program. The capstone project is intended to provide for … Read more

Assessment 4 Capstone Project InstructionsResourcesActivityAttempt 1availableAttempt 2Attempt 3 InstructionsResourcesActivityAttempt 3 Create a 15-20 page capstone paper that analyzes a business

Assessment 4 Capstone Project InstructionsResourcesActivityAttempt 1availableAttempt 2Attempt 3 InstructionsResourcesActivityAttempt 1 availableAttempt 2Attempt 3 Create a 15-20 page capstone paper that analyzes a business topic and provides recommendations and is supported with credible resources that demonstrate evidence-based thinking. Collapse All Introduction Throughout your MBA program, you have worked to develop as a business professional and prepare … Read more

Your term paper should: Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms. Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor

Your term paper should: Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms. Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products. Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro … Read more

Select an activist group (different than your first application choice), past or present, that interests you that is working towards some sort of social change. This could

Select an activist group (different than your first application choice), past or present, that interests you that is working towards some sort of social change. This could be a group who you support, oppose, know little about, or have heard much about. Examine the group’s goals, tactics/strategies, messages, and use of various forms of media … Read more

A Case Analysis of AMC Assignment objective: AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes

A Case Analysis of AMC Assignment objective: AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters. https://www.amctheatres.com/ Length: Your submission is required to be at least 5 pages in length and not more than 7 pages, not … Read more

You will submit a 2-3-page summation paper stating your decisions made in the program along with supporting references. 1. What is the phase(s) of training and goal? (10 pts) 2. Why are the exercises, volume, intensity, and recovery selected? (40 pts) 3. What tests and evaluations a

You will submit a 2-3-page summation paper stating your decisions made in the program along with supporting references. 1. What is the phase(s) of training and goal? (10 pts) 2. Why are the exercises, volume, intensity, and recovery selected? (40 pts) 3. What tests and evaluations are used and why? (25 pts) 4. What type … Read more

You will submit a 2-3-page summation paper stating your decisions made in the program along with supporting references. 1. What is the phase(s) of training and goal? (10 pts) 2. Why are the exercises,

You will submit a 2-3-page summation paper stating your decisions made in the program along with supporting references. 1. What is the phase(s) of training and goal? (10 pts) 2. Why are the exercises, volume, intensity, and recovery selected? (40 pts) 3. What tests and evaluations are used and why? (25 pts) 4. What type … Read more

Write a 1200 to 1500 word, apa formatted argumentative research paper supporting the position FOR Universal Basic Income. Keep in mind to defend your claim through scholarly research and convince your

Write a 1200 to 1500 word, apa formatted argumentative research paper supporting the position FOR Universal Basic Income. Keep in mind to defend your claim through scholarly research and convince your reader that your position or solution is a logical and supported one. Include at least five scholarly sources such as ebooks, books, or journals, … Read more