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For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 4. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving

Dev Health Care Admin Persp. Assessment 2 Create a 3-5 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue. In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and your plans of action. You will want to … Read more

Dev Health Care Admin Persp. Assessment 2 Create a 3-5 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue.

Dev Health Care Admin Persp. Assessment 2 Create a 3-5 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue. In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and your plans of action. You will want to … Read more

Narrative: Tell the story of an experience that caused you to change a previously held belief, attitude, or position. Your story should include a conflict, detail and description, and a point (the significance of your narrative). Narrative:

you can pick one Choose ONE of the following options: Narrative: Tell the story of an experience that caused you to change a previously held belief, attitude, or position. Your story should include a conflict, detail and description, and a point (the significance of your narrative). Narrative: Write a literacy narrative about your experience with … Read more

Develop a practice improvement project basked off the PICOT question For Complete an evaluation outcome from the PICOT: Adults >65 years of age in the retirement community (P)

o   Develop a practice improvement project basked off the PICOT question For Complete an evaluation outcome from the PICOT: Adults >65 years of age in the retirement community (P) does the utilization of an exercise program (I) compared to no exercise program (C) decrease fall rates (O) within one year (T)? ·        Literature Review/Synthesis (Use … Read more

Imagine your boss asking you to describe your idea for a project. Imagine your toddler asking you to tell a bedtime story. Imagine your friend asking what happened at the party on Saturday. D

PurposeImagine your boss asking you to describe your idea for a project. Imagine your toddler asking you to tell a bedtime story. Imagine your friend asking what happened at the partyon Saturday. Do any of these sound like scenarios you’ve experienced or might encounter in the future?Being able to tell a story and describe an … Read more

Case Study 7 – United States Auto Industry Back on Top … of CEO Pay During the financial crisis, many executives’ pay was stifled, reduced, or even withheld

Case Study 7 – United States Auto Industry Back on Top … of CEO Pay During the financial crisis, many executives’ pay was stifled, reduced, or even withheld.  Among the hardest hit was the U.S. auto industry.  Shareholder groups, union leaders, political officials, and the general public all demanded change in the way auto industry … Read more

Discuss “community development” as the term has been used in this class. Be sure to provide a concise definition, a commentary on common issues addressed and problems encountered, and a brief discussion of

Discuss “community development” as the term has been used in this class. Be sure to provide a concise definition, a commentary on common issues addressed and problems encountered, and a brief discussion of the seven “theories of community development” outlined by Hustedde (found in Phillips and Pittman 2015). (15 points) Discuss the evolution of community … Read more

Problem-based learning (PBL) is broken down into three phases: understanding the problem, exploring the available information, and resolving the problem. Each phase includes a series of steps, as follows:

Problem-based learning (PBL) is broken down into three phases: understanding the problem, exploring the available information, and resolving the problem. Each phase includes a series of steps, as follows:  Understand the problem.Meet the problem: Orient yourself to the problem.Determine what is known and what needs to be known or discovered.Define the problem statement: What exactly is … Read more

66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills. oon the physical examination

66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills. oon the physical examination there is evidence of a  lesion on the left side of her face asymmetrical, with irregular border, changes on coloration … Read more

Patient is a 21 y/o male with GERD without esophagitis, who came to discuss test results, abdominal US was within normal limits, he indicates was seen by Gastroenterologist,

 Patient is a 21 y/o male with GERD without esophagitis, who came to discuss test results, abdominal US was within normal limits, he indicates was seen by Gastroenterologist, who ordered H pylori test which was negative, he also ordered Omeprazole 40gm PO + Sucralfate for 3 months, and will consider endoscopy if symptoms to not … Read more