
  • Modern Nurse Scholarly Paper       A concept analysis is an exercise designed to make the student/researcher as familiar as possible with a concept. A concept is usually one or two words that convey meaning, understanding or feelings between or among individuals within a same discipline. A concept analysis is the first step

    Modern Nurse Scholarly Paper      
    A concept analysis is an exercise designed to make the student/researcher as familiar as possible with a concept. A concept is usually one or two words that convey meaning, understanding or feelings between or among individuals within a same discipline. A concept analysis is the first step in communicating meanings, understandings and feelings.The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity for the student to explore:
    The concept of the Modern Nurse
    Search for scholarly literature related to the concept to get a sense of the beliefs, uses, and thoughts of others regarding the concept. Clarify any misconceptions, differences in the definition, any traditional definitions.
    ·      Begin the analysis paper with a short introductory paragraph expressing what the concept is and why it is significant to you and nursing
    Construct a concept map to show any interrelated/contributing concepts (include this as an appendix and refer to it in the body of your writing).
    Using dictionary definitions and literature support, develop a working definition of the concept.
    Formulate a list of characteristics or defining attributes of the concept. Use clinical and theoretical knowledge, and scholarly literature to complete the list.
    How does your perceptions of the concept compare to others?
    What is, and what was, societies’ perception of the modern nurse?
    How does this compare/contrast to your perceptions?
    Your personal motivations for choosing nursing;
    Why choose nursing, what does it mean to you?
    How do you see yourself as a modern nurse?
    ·      Conclude with a brief synopsis of the concept/the paper, and how it has affected your perception of the concept since first applying to nursing?
    APA format    
    Include in-text-citation
    5 articles

  • What you have learned in this class about Asset Based Community Development (ABCD); 2. The model and tools provided in the various documents found in the COURSE DOCUMENTS area (particularly those assigned for this Week and next Week(October 21st and 28th) and previously assigned for September 3rd and 9th; 3. Information


    1) What you have learned in this class about Asset Based Community Development (ABCD);

    2. The model and tools provided in the various documents found in the COURSE DOCUMENTS area (particularly those assigned for this Week and next Week(October 21st and 28th) and previously assigned for September 3rd and 9th;

    3. Information you may find on the Website for the ASSET BASED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE found at:; Links to an external site.


    4. Any other information you may have available or can collect rapidly your COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TEAM should develop a DRAFT ACTION PLAN detailing how you would go about organizing and conducting an ABCD project for your TEAM’s COMMUNITY OF PLACE.

  • Week 3 Assignment: Getting Started With Your Data Overview: Throughout this course, you will be working toward your final assignment—an archival data research project. What does that mean? It means you will be using real data, collected as part of the General Social Survey (GSS)

    Week 3 Assignment: Getting Started With Your Data

    Overview: Throughout this course, you will be working toward your final assignment—an archival data research project. What does that mean? It means you will be using real data, collected as part of the General Social Survey (GSS), to answer a real question.

    To help you complete this final assignment, these earlier assignments will walk you through the steps. In fact, to provide added assistance (and maybe even a sense of fun), you will have three fictional research assistants.

    Meet your research assistants:

    Juanita: She is junior in college with the intention of being a counselor. She’s more interested in the results of the study than in the process to get the results.

    Duante: Duante is a senior in college who loves algebra but is skeptical about statistics. However, he wants a job where he can do research and is very interested in what you are doing.

    Amanda: Amanda is a first-year student in college. She’s friendly and likes to talk a lot (and ask plenty of questions). She hasn’t been through her statistics course yet, but she is great at staying organized and loves using Excel.

    Directions: Complete all six parts of this worksheet.





    The General Social Survey (GSS) has been studying America, specifically American society, for 50 years. All of their data are available to the public (and to researchers). This makes GSS a great source for archival data projects. The surveys are long, providing a number of potential variables. For this project, certain variables have been chosen for you and the data extracted from the GSS site ahead of time. If you’re curious and want to learn more about GSS, feel free to check out the About the GSS web page.


    Directions: Complete the steps below. These steps will prepare you for later portions of this assignment as well as for your final assignment in Week 9.


    Step 1: Choose your variables, one from each column and fill in the white blocks of the table below.


    List A (Choose ONE variable from this list) List B (Choose ONE variable from this list)
    RACLIVE. Have other race living in neighborhood. This is a Yes/No question asking respondents if they live in a neighborhood with people of another race. HAPPY. General happiness. This asks the respondents to rate how happy they are (small Likert scale).
    NEWS. How often does respondent read newspaper. This question asks respondents to rate how often they read the newspaper (Likert scale). LIFE. If life is exciting or dull. This question asks respondents to rate their life as exciting, routine, or dull (small Likert scale).
    WWWHR. Internet hours per week. This question asks respondents to share how many hours in a week they use the Internet for non-email activities. MNTLHLTH. Days of poor mental health past 30 days. This question asks respondents how many days of poor mental health they’ve had in the past 30 days.
      DEPRESS. Told have depression. This is a Yes/No question asking respondents if they have been told they have depression.
    My Variable (from List A): My Variable (from List B):


    Note: Once you’ve selected your variables, use them throughout the course. Changing variables partway through will require you to re-do work you’ve already done.

    What’s your preliminary research question? Note: The survey method used to collect these data was not designed to allow you to determine causation or the effect of one variable on the other.



    Step 2: Download data. Go to Week 3 Prepare: For This Week’s Assignment activity. Download the “GSS 2018 Data” Excel file. Make sure you save this somewhere on your computer (where you can find it again).


    Step 3: Clean the data. In this case, Amanda helped you out and, if you look at the Excel file you downloaded, the data have been cleaned for you. She spent time going through the data to make sure there were results for both variables you will use and remove those participants who did not respond to both questions. She also made sure that the data were in a form that JASP could read accurately (right labels, right file format, et cetera). She’s a bit of an overachiever, so she cleaned everyone’s data. On the Excel spreadsheet, you will want to make sure you are on the right tab for your project. To understand what answer the numbers correspond to, look at the Codes tab.


    Amanda’s Notes on Naming:


    ·        Raclive and happy: Projects looking at general happiness and whether people live in neighborhoods with people of another race.

    ·        Raclive and life: Projects looking at if life is exciting/dull and whether people live in neighborhoods with people of another race.

    ·        Raclive and mntlhlth: Projects looking at days of poor mental health and whether people live in neighborhoods with people of another race.

    ·        Raclive and depress: Projects looking at if someone has been told they have depression and whether people live in neighborhoods with people of another race.

    ·        News and happy: Projects looking at amount of time reading the news and general happiness.

    ·        News and life: Projects looking at amount of time reading the news and if life is exciting/dull.

    ·        News and mntlhlth: Projects looking at amount of time reading the news and days of poor mental health.

    ·        News and depress: Projects looking at amount of time reading the news and if someone has been told they have depression.

    ·        Wwwhr and happy: Projects looking at number of hours on the Internet and general happiness.

    ·        Wwwhr and life: Projects looking at number of hours on the Internet and if life is exciting/dull.

    ·        Wwwhr and mntlhlth: Projects looking at number of hours on the Internet and days of poor mental health.

    ·        Wwwhr and depress: Projects looking at number of hours on the Internet and if someone has been told they have depression.


    Step 4: Save your .csv file. Duante didn’t want to be outdone by Amanda, so he created .csv files of everyone’s data project. To find them, open the files in the Week 3 Prepare: For This Week’s Assignment activity and locate the data for your project. He used the same naming convention as Amanda did above. Make sure you save these files somewhere on your computer (where you can find them again).



    Amanda is confused by the measures of central tendency and has come to you asking questions.


    Directions: Answer all questions in the table.

    Scoring Criterion: Describe key statistical concepts.


    What types of variables can you compute a useful mean for? Select as many options as apply.






    When would a mean be useful?  


    Now what about the mode – what types of variables can you find a mode for? Select as many options as apply.






    When is a mode useful?  


    Then the median – what types of variables can you find the median for? Select as many options as apply.






    And when would use the median (and not the mean or mode)?  
    What does the variance tell us?  
    Why is the variance important?  
    Consider the demographic data on our participants. Where might you use measures of central tendency?  




    You’ve sent Amanda off to think more about measures and central tendency. Working with Duante, you start to consider your variables. He wants to know what the data type for each available variable is.


    Directions: Fill in the table below.

    Scoring Criterion: Determine data type.


    What data type is our data (for JASP)? Note: JASP offers you three options: Nominal, Ordinal, Continuous. So, if the data is ratio or interval, call it continuous for the purpose of this table.


    Variable Type Variable Type Variable Type
    AGE   RACE   SEX  



    Age: Respondents entered their exact age

    Race: Respondents had a choice of: White, Black, or Other (The survey uses limited options, which is a limitation for modern studies but useful when comparing modern data with historical data.)

    Sex: Respondents had a choice of: Male, Female (Based on biological sex at birth; this is not a variable looking at gender.)

    Racliv: Respondents were given a Yes/No question on whether they lived in a neighborhood with other races.

    News: Respondents were given a version of a Likert scale.

    Wwwhr: Respondents entered the number of hours they are on the Internet each week.

    Happy: Respondents were given a version of a Likert scale.

    Life: Respondents were given a version of a Likert scale.

    Mntlhlth: Respondents entered the numbers of days of poor mental health.

    Depress: Respondents were given a Yes/No question on whether they had been told they had depression.


    In JASP, select the three blue bars, then select open, then select the location you saved the .csv file.


    JASP tries to guess at it and will use the symbols below.

    You and Duante look at JASP’s guesses.


    • If JASP got it wrong, correct it.


    • Click on the appropriate variable data icon in the column title to change it to the correct format.


    Paste a screenshot of your data column in JASP below.



    Continuing to work with Duante, you decide to learn more about your participants.


    Duante has done some research into GSS and provides you with the following information:


    The General Social Survey uses random sampling to get a representative sample of adults across the United States (NORC, 2019).


    National Opinion Research Center (NORC). (2019). Appendix A: Sampling design and weighting. In General Social Surveys 1972–2018: Cumulative Codebook (pp. 3171–3189).


    Before you start looking at your participants, Juanita has a few questions for you.


    Directions: Answer the questions below.

    Scoring Criterion: Explain the use of a mean with different types of variables.


    Can you use a mean for the variable Sex? Why or why not?  
    Can you use a mean for the variable Race? Why or why not?  
    Can you use a mean for the variable Age? Why or why not?  


    Now that Juanita has a better understanding of the mean, the two of you start looking at your demographic data.


    • Open JASP.


    • Then open your .csv data file for your project. You can do this by clicking the three blue bars, selecting Open, then select Computer, then choose your file from wherever you saved it on your computer.


    • In JASP, in your data file, select Descriptives.


    • Select age, then select the


    Copy and paste the resulting table below.





    Juanita likes to process information visually and asks if you can create graphs or charts of the data.


    Directions: Create a bar graph, pie chart, and frequency table by following the directions below.

    Scoring Criterion: Communicate statistical data in graphs and tables.


    In JASP, in your data file, select Descriptives.


    • Select sex, then select the


    • Select race then select the


    • Click Basic Plots, then put a check next to Distribution plots.


    Copy and paste or take a screenshot of the Bar Graph for Race. Place it below.





    • Next, Click Basic Plots, then put a check next to Pie Charts.


    Copy and paste or take a screenshot of the Pie Chart for Sex. Place it below.





    • Lastly, click Tables, then put a check next to Frequency Tables.


    Copy and paste or take a screenshot of the Frequency Chart for Race. Place it below.




    As you look over the participants, Amanda, Juanita, and Duante discuss what careers they want in the future. They ask you what your thoughts are and whether you’d ever consider a job that involves data analysis.


    Directions: Answer all of the questions below.

    Scoring Criterion: Discover career contingencies based on accurate self-assessment of abilities, achievement, motivation, and work habits.


    Step 1: Statistics and data analysis are marketable job skills. Search the Internet for jobs you could apply for with a bachelor’s degree that require the use of statistics. Some good, key search terms: psychology research assistance or survey data analysis.


    Step 2: Answer the following questions.


    What is the job title?  
    Provide a link to the job ad.  
    What are the educational requirements?


    What other job requirements stand out to you?


    Does the job sound interesting to you? Why or why not?  



  • Initial posting (IP) due Today before 9 pm (200-300 words). Research competencies have been established by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The nurse’s role in research is primarily based on their level of education. Responsibility grows as the nurse’s level of education increases from the baccalaureate, to the masters, and then to the doctorate

    Initial posting (IP) due Today before 9 pm (200-300 words). Research competencies have been established by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The nurse’s role in research is primarily based on their level of education. Responsibility grows as the nurse’s level of education increases from the baccalaureate, to the masters, and then to the doctorate. The baccalaureate prepared nurse is expected to be a consumer of research. Discuss the expectations of a consumer of research and share at least one way you are currently meeting that expectation as a working RN. Read the guidelines below in their entirety, as well as the grading rubric for discussions, before you begin your work. IP: requires two references: 1) one from an English-titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal (less than five years old) and 2) one from the course textbook. RTP: requires you to reply to one peer posting. RTP requires one reference from an English-titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal (less than five years old). This article must be different from the one you used for your IP and the one your peer used for their IP and RTP. Articles must be related to nursing practice in the U.S. Postings based on practice outside of the U.S. will not be graded. The maximum number of references for each posting is two. References must be obtained via the BC online library. Papers with references that are not retrievable by the professor through the BC online library, or that use non-course textbooks, will be graded zero (0). Postings on the discussion board are to be in APA format. In addition to posting to the discussion board, attach the IP as a Word doc in APA format, which includes, but is not limited to: separate title and reference pages, a running head, page numbers, title of paper, title page info (your name, Broward College, course number and name, professor’s name, and due date), in-text citations (including the page or paragraph number you found the paraphrased info on), and references. APA will be assessed on both the discussion board postings and the Word document. Do not use any quotes–paraphrase instead. the first article citation Reference ( please make sure to paraphrase and not use direct quote ) reference for the journal Sullivan, V., Wilson, M. N., Gross, D. P., Jensen, O. K., Shaw, W. S., Steenstra, I. A., & Hayden, J. A. (2022). Expectations for Return to Work Predict Return to Work in Workers with Low Back Pain: An Individual Participant Data (IPD) Meta-Analysis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 32(4), 575–590.

  • Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination. You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks. As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively

    Scenario Imagine that you are a staff nurse in a community care center. Your facility has always had a dedicated case management staff that coordinated the patient plan of care, but recently, there were budget cuts and the case management staff has been relocated to the inpatient setting. Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination. You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks. As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively in addressing the specific health concerns of community residents. To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to: Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete. Allow plenty of time to plan your chosen health care concern. Document Format and Length Your preliminary plan should be an APA scholarly paper, 3–4 pages in length. Remember to use active voice, this means being direct and writing concisely; as opposed to passive voice, which means writing with a tendency to wordiness. In your paper include possible community resources that can be used. Be sure to review the scoring guide to make sure all criteria are addressed in your paper. Study the subtle differences between basic, proficient, and distinguished. Supporting Evidence Cite at least two credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications that support your preliminary plan. Analyze your selected health concern and the associated best practices for health improvement. Cite supporting evidence for best practices. Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis. Describe specific goals that should be established to address the health care problem. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Write with a specific purpose with your patient in mind. Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and current APA formatting requirements.

  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Question 1 Refer to the McKinsey article titled “Generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry: Moving from hype to reality” at sciences/our-insights/generative-ai-in-the-pharmaceutical-industry-moving-from- hype-to-reality or any relevant online sources (with appropriat

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
    Question 1
    Refer to the McKinsey article titled “Generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry:

    Moving from hype to reality” at
    sciences/our-insights/generative-ai-in-the-pharmaceutical-industry-moving-from- hype-to-reality or any relevant online sources (with appropriate citations), in order to answer the questions below.

    Question 1a
    Examine and distinguish between hype and reality on generative AI.

    Question 1b
    Discuss FOUR (4) main categories of generative AI use cases in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Question 1c
    Compare and contrast how generative AI can be used to better optimize clinical trials compared to the current method.

    Question 1d
    Examine and analyze the risks of applying generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry and identify measures to mitigate these risks.

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    Question 2
    Refer to the npj Digital Medicine article titled “Deep learning-enabled medical
    computer vision” at or anyrelevant online sources (with appropriate citations), in order to solve the questions below.

    Question 2a

    Examine the key technological advances which accelerated the application of computervision in medical applications.

    Question 2b
    Propose the key considerations when deploying ML technologies in healthcare

  • BME499 Biomedical engineering Final report Synopsis: Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are caused due to neuro-degeneration process. Symptoms of each condition are almost similar and misleading, so accurate identification of particular disease is significantly difficult.

    BME499 Biomedical engineering
    Final report Synopsis: Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are caused due to neuro-degeneration process.

    Symptoms of each condition are almost similar and misleading, so accurate identification of particular disease is significantly difficult. As neurodegenerative diseases are life-threatening, diagnosis is crucial in order to provide proper treatment on time for reduction of symptoms.

    Neurodegenerative disease often affects gait and mobility. Therefore, gait recognition is a proven diagnostic method for accurate identification of neurodegenerative diseases.

    Analysis of gait signal recorded from neurodegenerative patients using novel machine learning techniques may speed up the accurate detection and classification of type of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).


    A student attempting this project will be developing algorithm for the detection of neurodegenerative diseases from gait signal. In addition, algorithm should be able to do the classification of different types of neurodegenerative diseases present (Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

    Deliverables: Machine learning algorithm for the detection of Neurodegenerative diseases from the gait analysis. Algorithm for the classification of type of Neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinsons disease, Huntington disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

  • Assuming you are a Business Consultant with a Top Management Consulting firm. You have been approached by a client on the selection of an emerging economy to invest and establish operation. Your task is to prepare a report discussing topics that addresses today’s Internati

    International Business in Emerging Markets
    Assuming you are a Business Consultant with a Top Management Consulting firm. You have been approached by a client on the selection of an emerging economy to invest and establish operation. Your task is to prepare a report discussing topics that addresses today’s International Business Concerns and Challenges.

    Your report should be based upon your research and supported experience containing the following key themes:

    Justification on the choice of an emerging economy to enter, from one of following choices:
    o Niger (Africa) o Mexico (Latin America)

    o Indonesia (East Asia)

    o Czech Republic (Eastern Europe)

    o Egypt (Middle East)

    Discuss the effect and impact to international business of key economic factors such as inflation, unemployment rate, trade, GDP and FDI.
    Discuss the effect and impact of the financial market and institutions to international business, such as the foreign exchange market, financial institutions and markets.
    Discuss the forms of technological innovation and their roles on international competitiveness such as payment systems, e-commerce, network services and social media.
    Discuss the effect and impact of political and legal concerns on international business such as bureaucracy and governance, environmental and consumer protection laws.
    Discuss the effect and impact of cultural differences on international business, such as values and attitudes, manners, languages and religion,
    Discuss the role that businesses and corporations are expected to engage towards the development of emerging economies such as ethical practices, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.

  • Suppose the interest rate would increase significantly in the long run. Appraise the impact of the call and put provisions on the price of Bond XYZ under this scenario. Specifically, explain how each provision (call and put) could affect the bond’s price if interest rates rise, and what recommendations you would make to your c

    FIN358: Fixed Income and Derivative Securities
    Section A
    Question 1
    You are a financial analyst at a wealth management firm. One of your clients, a conservative investor nearing retirement, seeks your advice on choosing suitable corporate bonds for her portfolio. She prioritizes capital preservation and steady income, while avoiding excessive risk. Review the table below that shows the prices, coupon rates, and yields to maturity (YTM) of various corporate bonds, each with a par value of SGD 100.

    Fixed Income and Derivative Securities

    Question 1a

    Identify two (2) bonds that you would recommend for your client’s portfolio. Make sure the bonds align with her objectives of capital preservation and steady income.

    Question 1b

    Identify any inconsistencies or unusual pricing that may indicate incorrect information or higher risk, and explain your reasoning.

    Question 2
    You are a fixed-income analyst at a major investment bank. Your team is evaluating Bond XYZ for potential inclusion in a client’s portfolio. The bond has the following characteristics:

    Current market price: SGD 1,234
    Par value: SGD 1,000
    Maturity: 18 years
    Coupon rate: 8%, payable semiannually
    Call provision: Callable at par (SGD 1,000) at the end of the 13th year
    Put provision: Putable at par (SGD 1,000) at the end of the 5th year
    Your task is to analyze this bond and prepare a report for your client. Address the following points:

    Question 2a

    Explain the concept of yield to maturity (YTM) and its importance in bond valuation. Then, calculate the YTM for Bond XYZ. (Note: Round up to 4 decimal places)

    Question 2b

    Discuss the implications of the call provision for both the issuer and the investor. Appraise how this feature affects the bond’s risk profile. Then, calculate the yield to call. (Note: Round up to 4 decimal places)

    Question 2c

    Analyze how the put provision affects the investor’s decision. Then, determine the yield to put. (Note: Round up to 4 decimal places)

    Question 2d

    Suppose the interest rate would increase significantly in the long run. Appraise the impact of the call and put provisions on the price of Bond XYZ under this scenario. Specifically, explain how each provision (call and put) could affect the bond’s price if interest rates rise, and what recommendations you would make to your client regarding this bond.

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    Question 3
    You are a financial advisor at a boutique investment firm. A client approaches you with the following scenario. Your client, a risk-averse investor, has recently inherited SGD 1,000,000 and wants to invest it in her child’s education. The child will start university in 3 years, and the client estimates they’ll need SGD 1,100,000 at that time. The client is considering investment in default-free bonds. Given the following information about available default-free bonds in the market:

    FIN358 Fixed Income and Derivative Securities

    Question 3a

    Calculate the amount of money the client needs to invest today in Bond YL to ensure she has SGD 1,100,000 in 3 years for the child’s education. (Note: Round up to 4 decimal places)

    Question 3b

    Now suppose the price of the Bond YL is SGD 966.1314. Assume there is no transaction cost or other fees. Help your client investigate whether there is an arbitrage opportunity. If not, briefly explain. If yes, calculate the potential profit that can be made using bonds X, Y, Z, and YL.

    Section B
    Question 4
    Assess and identify at least five (5) risks associated with investing in corporate bonds. Give each risk you identified an example.

    Prepare a video recording of the presentation of at least 3 minutes but not exceeding 6 minutes. There are two methods for ECA video assignment submission; either Record Media or Upload Media. For Upload Media, the video must be uploaded as .mp4 file format

    Section C
    Question 5
    Prepare a set of PowerPoint presentation slides upon which the video presentation is based. Please note that the PowerPoint must be converted to PDF before submission to Canvas.

  • Subject: Creative Thoughts for IMC Plan Recommendations for the Board It is important that the Board understands the various stages consumers go through in deciding to purchase our products. Given your knowledge of consumer behaviour in Singapore, you know that the Hierarchy of Effects model is a valuable consumer behaviour tool to help marke

    Subject: Foundational work for the IMC Plan Recommendations for the Board From: [email protected] Message:

    The Board understands the importance of marketing strategy at a broad business level and campaign level. They also appreciate that marketing objectives and communication objectives serve different purposes within the broader marketing strategy. Setting clear objectives and defining clear target audiences are something the Board are keen to accomplish.

    a) Explain the difference between marketing objectives and communication objectives. What communication objectives would you set for the Singapore launch campaign for Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter?

    b) Identifying and defining an optimal target audience is essential for campaign success. How should Boost Nuts segment and define its target audience in Singapore for the peanut butter? Which segmentation variables will enable the brand to better predict future purchase behaviour?

    c) The Board was made aware of an industry-wide lack of CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) representation in marketing communications. Can you explain this further to the Board and why embracing CALD perspectives could lead to richer storytelling and more effective communication strategies for Boost Nuts Nothing but Nuts Peanut Butter in Singapore?

    d) For the launch of Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter please prepare a clear positioning strategy and key benefit claim. The Board is not familiar with these terms so please outline the importance of positioning and write a positioning statement for Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter; and outline and explain a key benefit claim. Explain this would this resonate in the Singapore market?

    Subject: Creative Thoughts for IMC Plan Recommendations for the Board

    It is important that the Board understands the various stages consumers go through in deciding to purchase our products. Given your knowledge of consumer behaviour in Singapore, you know that the Hierarchy of Effects model is a valuable consumer behaviour tool to help marketing communicators advertise and promote to individuals at the various stages. You also appreciate the importance of developing an optimal creative strategy to reach consumers at the relevant stages of their purchasing process.

    (a) Please identify the six stages of the Hierarchy of Effects model for the Board and explain the two most important stages that you believe should be focused on as part of a new product launch for Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter, and why.

    (b) Further to the stages recognised in Part a, and being mindful of the proposed positioning for the peanut better, what Creative Style or Styles would you recommend for the campaign in Singapore and why?

    (c) What attention tactics would be most appropriate for the launch campaign in Singapore? Would you recommend the use of a remote conveyor? Justify your answer and make a recommendation for the remote conveyor they could or should use in Singapore?

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    Once our creative approach is determined, we need to consider the media strategy or marketing communication mix (of media channels) for the launch of the peanut butter. This involves an integrated approach that aligns with the campaign’s goals and target audience. I would like you to consider what marketing communication mix should be executed for this Singapore-based launch campaign.

    (a) For the Board’s benefit, please describe and define the marketing communication mix. Applying the marketing communication mix elements to Boost Nuts, what marketing communications channels do you think are important, not as important, not important at all, for Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter in Singapore? Be sure to consider traditional and digital channels and to explain and justify your reasons. When rolling out the media channels, do you suggest we prioritise reach or frequency and why?

    (b) Some of the Board members have seen endorsers used very well and very badly. They want to understand the role of endorsers in IMC campaigns, especially in Singapore. What types of endorsers can be used in marketing communications plans? Please outline the characteristics of each type of endorser and their ability to influence consumer behaviour with reference to Boost Nuts Nothing But Nuts Peanut Butter in Singapore.

    (c) Thinking holistically about the campaign, the Board is contemplating an investment in PR and/or sponsorship to further amplify the message to the target audience. Which of these would you recommend and in what capacity? Include an example of how you recommend the brand use it in their Singapore campaign.

    (d) Measurement and evaluation are a vital part of any campaign. Explain to the Board why it is important and what you would recommend for this Singapore based campaign?