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TSM10109 Global Hospitality Management, Module Pack | ENU 2024-25

AIM AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The Module has three Aims: a) To provide a varied and stimulating programme of study that enables you to fully appreciate the diversity and complexity of global hospitality. b) To provide a structured and detailed examination of the economic structure of the international industry, and the principal environments and host markets, … Read more

First assess the extent to which the chosen industry can be characterised as: (a) ‘globalised’ or ‘regionalised’ (as per Rugman) or (b) ‘core Triad’-dominated or ‘multi-polar’. Then, explore and analyse the underlying

Key requirements and task briefing information Choose one global industry from those covered in Global Shift. Answer one question of the following three options. 1. First assess the extent to which the chosen industry can be characterised as: (a) ‘globalised’ or ‘regionalised’ (as per Rugman) or (b) ‘core Triad’-dominated or ‘multi-polar’. Then, explore and analyse the underlying factors … Read more

You will be expected to keep a journal throughout the course and record your  experiences of the services you encounter from a services marketing and operations  perspective.

Task You will be expected to keep a journal throughout the course and record your  experiences of the services you encounter from a services marketing and operations  perspective. The journal is designed to help you to understand customer service  expectations, and why, as consumers, we are sometimes satisfied or dissatisfied with  the service experience from … Read more

Option A: Practical project with written reflection: The practical project allows students to develop a major body of code implementation, such as a system or development project. You can choose a topic/area that

INTRODUCTION This is a final year module that will draw on student learning undertaken during their Level 4 and Level 5 study. The module provides students with a substantial amount of independence in how a project is designed and produced. The opportunity to undertake a more substantial project offers students the opportunity to consolidate their … Read more

Identify the nature of the interrelationship between tourism and poverty (e.g., what are possible negative and positive impacts of tourism on poverty? What role can tourism play in the alleviation

Assignment Requirements Overview Discuss the socio-cultural and socio-economic impacts of tourism on society, the interrelationship between poverty and tourism, and the role community participation can play in the development of sustainable tourism. Assignment Tasks Prepare a 3,000-word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the theories, principles and practices of tourism and society, addressing the socio-cultural … Read more

Assignment Task: Title: “Mpox on the move: Why are global cases on the rise?” Setting the scene: In recent years, the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases hav

Assignment Task: Title: “Mpox on the move: Why are global cases on the rise?” Setting the scene: In recent years, the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases have highlighted the importance of understanding zoonotic viruses, such as the Orthopoxvirus Mpox, formally known as monkeypox. Originating from the rainforests of Central and West Africa, Mpox has … Read more

You must cite an international human rights story regarding immigration issues that you retrieved from a media source (newspaper, TV, radio, etc.). An international issue related

You must cite an international human rights story regarding immigration issues that you retrieved from a media source (newspaper, TV, radio, etc.). An international issue related to immigration (from or into any country other than the United States) must be addressed. Since this is a global studies class, this means that your discussion cannot be a … Read more

Analyze Wilbur’s clinical manifestations as they relate to your assigned disease process. Do these findings support your assigned disease process? Why or why not?

The purpose of this discussion is to examine disease processes associated with a client scenario following the instructions below. The course faculty will reveal the disease process at the end of the week. Step 1: Carefully read the following client scenario: Wilbur, a 55-year-old male client, presents to the NP complaining of a flat, purple-colored rash … Read more

Wilbur, a 55-year-old male client, presents to the NP complaining of a flat, purple-colored rash on his back and chest. Wilbur states the rash is not painful or itchy. He

Step 1: Carefully read the following client scenario: Wilbur, a 55-year-old male client, presents to the NP complaining of a flat, purple-colored rash on his back and chest. Wilbur states the rash is not painful or itchy. He states it has been there for months, and he has also developed a white coating on his tongue … Read more

Your project communication should contain the following information:  The purpose or goals of the communication plan. Specific information about each stakeholder and his or her role in the project.

The  final assignment will consist of two parts. For Part 1, you will create  the project communication plan using the project that you have worked  on during this course. For Part 2 of this assignment, you will create a  powerpoint presentation to update the stakeholders with the project status. Instructions: PART 1 Your project communication … Read more