Healthcare Inequity: Systemic Problems and Solutions
Recall the introduction to this Competency with the explanation of a “system process” as a series of interrelated steps or activities. System processes in healthcare are designed to achieve specific outcomes, which may be within healthcare organizations or larger healthcare systems. However, systems—both internal and external—can cause or contribute to significant inequity. The Learning Resources in this Competency detail the stubborn problems of health and healthcare inequities rooted in bias and racism. For advocates of diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare, awareness and understanding of these complex issues and their long history are key to taking action to challenge and change flawed and failed system processes. This Competency Assessment will support that work.
To Prepare:
- Access the Health Inequity: Systemic Problems and Solutions template document. Review the three parts and the required information and analysis to complete the Competency Assessment.
- Review the recommended Learning Resources provided.
- Research additional resources that you identify to support your examples and explanations.
To Complete the Competency Assessment
Using the Health Inequity: Systemic Problems and Solutions template document, in 3–4 pages, plus title and reference pages, address the following:
Part 1: Analyzing System Processes
- Analyze each scenario based on your particular healthcare role. Explain whether you could justify the policy or process from a system perspective.
- A facility has taken its limit of Medicaid patients and will not take more.
- An urban clinic operates on a first-come, first-served basis for scheduling appointments. Due to high demand and limited resources, appointment slots often fill up quickly, leaving many patients unable to secure timely appointments.
Part 2: Analyzing Impact of Systemic Healthcare Inequities
- Analyze healthcare discrimination (e.g., racial, gender-based, socioeconomic) and provide at least two (2) examples of how it can manifest in the healthcare system.
- Analyze the impact of systemic healthcare inequities on vulnerable populations and their access to healthcare services. Be specific and provide at least two (2) examples.
Part 3: Identifying System-Level Solutions
- Briefly explain at least two (2) strategies that could be implemented at the system-process level to combat healthcare inequities.
- Choose one (1) scenario from Part 1. Explain a strategy to make the specific healthcare policy or process more equitable.