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Develop practical application for each area of the curriculum evaluation processdiscussed within our modules. Each section should include a 1 – 2 sentence synthesis of the topicfollowed by details of how

CURRICULUM EVALUATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWYou will complete a final paper reflecting on the topics you studied throughout the assignedcourse reading and study materials. The paper should synthesize a thoughtful analysis, insight,understanding, and application of learned topics and be written in current APA format. Noabstract is required. The paper should be written entirely in third person, except for the personalreflection. See the attached rubric for specific guidelines.INSTRUCTIONSTopic: Develop practical application for each area of the curriculum evaluation processdiscussed within our modules. Each section should include a 1 – 2 sentence synthesis of the topicfollowed by details of how the topic can be implemented in a teaching environment. Theapplication should be specific and supported by scholarly sources and course material citations.Begin your paper by introducing its content. A strong thesis statement must be stated. Note:under current APA formatting guidelines, a paper’s introduction does not receive a heading;simply type the introductory paragraph(s) under the paper’s title.Next, continue your paper, organizing it with the following headings:• Overview of Curriculum Evaluation – This section can be pure synthesis; no applicationis required.• Importance of Curriculum Evaluation – This section can be pure synthesis; no applicationis required.• Standards and Objectives• Assessment for Learning• Assignments and Assessment• Validity and Reliability• Differentiation of Instruction• Culturally Responsive Teaching• Feedback• Personal reflection – For the personal reflection section, consider the following:o Do you currently evaluate your curriculum effectively?o How could curriculum evaluation improve your teaching experience and yourstudents’ learning experiences?o What can you do to help meet the spiritual needs of students through yourcurriculum? What else could have been done?Your paper will consist of 6 – 7 double-spaced pages. The title and reference pages do not countas part of the page requirement. You will include a minimum of eight scholarly references, onereference to Scripture, and follow the current APA writing and formatting style.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool

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