EBUS622 Big Data Management Assignment | University of Liverpool
Category | Assignment | Subject | Computer Science |
University | University of Liverpool | Module Title | EBUS622 Big Data Management |
Requirements for assignment:
Write a report to:
Section 1 (90 points)
(1a) Critically review the contemporary literature to discuss some particular problems/issues that can be addressed to improve business performance using predictive or prescriptive analytics with structured and unstructured data in a specific industry of your choice (e.g. Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail, Telecommunication, Transport, Finance, Energy, etc.). Both structured and unstructured data need to be discussed. (600 words)
Allowed journals for following two questions (1b, 1c):
- European Journal of Operational Research
- EPJ Data Science
- Transportation Research Part B
- Transportation Research Part C
- Journal of Marketing Analytics
(1b) Please explain the used methodologies’ details (e.g. clustering, classification, text mining, random forest, regression trees, association rules, deep learning, support vector machines, sentiment analysis, etc.) and discuss the interesting relationships between method-problem-data in 2 articles (published in above listed journals). Please provide the titles and journals of the articles at the beginning of answering this question. (800 words)
(1c) Select one of the published algorithms (published recently in above listed journals, the algorithm cannot be linear regression and k-means) and apply one iteration of the algorithm to an example/data of your choosing and discuss the results. Please provide the title and journal of the article at the beginning of answering this question. (500 words)
Section 2 (10 points)
First of all, write down the last digit of your student ID and use the last digit of your study ID (number) to determine the country for which you will answer questions.
Please check the following table to find the country you will investigate

Obtain Qlik data and Apps and answer following questions. (100 words)
(2a) In that country, what is the revenue, margin and number of customers? Discuss the country using data.
(2b) Discuss Women’s clothes products market in that country using data.
The report should be well structured into different logical sections with clear section titles matching the above five questions (1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, and 2b) and include a References list at the end. You should make sure that you write in a focused manner. You can add a short executive summary in the end highlighting the key discussions and findings which will not count in the word count. Your report should be typed with font size 12, and 1.5 line spacing.
Assessment Criteria:
Follow the marking guidelines provided in the Management School Student Handbook. Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- A good knowledge and understanding of the academic, technical and theoretical material
- A good knowledge and understanding of different business cases
- The ability to support your argument by reference to academic and practitioner sources
- A logically organized, clear and well-structured report
- Wider reading, beyond the material delivered in class
- Evidence of critical thinking relating to both the business cases and the academic and theoretical material
- Good use of English and use of the Harvard method of referencing (this should be correct, consistent and thorough)
These are the criteria set out in the brief and these will be used to assess your work. There is guidance to critical thinking and referencing in your Module Handbook that is available on CANVAS. Please be aware – there is no ‘one best way’ for achieving criteria 1-6 above, it is about you using your judgment and discernment in problem-solving activities.