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Review the resources and clinical skills in the PMHNP Clinical Skills List document. It is recommended that you print out this document to serve as a guide throughout your practicum.  Review the “Developing SMART Goals

To Prepare Review the resources and clinical skills in the PMHNP Clinical Skills List document. It is recommended that you print out this document to serve as a guide throughout your practicum.  Review the “Developing SMART Goals” resource on how to develop goals and objectives that follow the SMART framework. Review the resources on nursing competencies and … Read more

Research and describe a cultural practice. This could be from your own culture or another culture.  Examples of possible topics include traditional cultural foods, cultural ceremonies,

Research and describe a cultural practice. This could be from your own culture or another culture.  Examples of possible topics include traditional cultural foods, cultural ceremonies, cultural parenting styles, traditional forms of communication, spiritual cultural practices, cultural healing practices, etc.  Describe the cultural practice and why it is important in this particular culture. Papers should be … Read more

On what factors is the CEO assessed? Based on what you have learned about performance appraisal in this course, are the factors/measures used to assess CEO performance appropriate?

Student Research Project: Proxy Statement Analysis Topic: Kraft Heinz Your proxy analysis should be prepared as a formal student paper following APA guidelines (7th ed.). Respond to the questions posed above within an essay format; do not simply list and answer the questions. The analysis must have a title page followed by an abstract and … Read more

Explain the following ethical considerations in a minimum of 150 words. What steps will you take to protect your participants from harm? How will you protect your participants’ anonymity and confidentiality? Support your rationale with

Assignment 1Explain the following ethical considerations in a minimum of 150 words. What steps will you take to protect your participants from harm? How will you protect your participants’ anonymity and confidentiality? Support your rationale with one scholarly, peer-reviewed, and other credible source. Assignment 2Based on the introduction and literature review of the article you … Read more

Again, as an expert in cognitive psychology, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has noted a consistent and continuous drop in productivity during the last year. This pattern came as a shock

Multitasking PowerPoint Assignment Instructions Overview Again, as an expert in cognitive psychology, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has noted a consistent and continuous drop in productivity during the last year. This pattern came as a shock as the company recently invested millions of dollars in upgrading computer systems and installing the latest communications software so … Read more

In Week 2, you created a Systems Thinking Diagram that mapped the stock, inflows, outflows, and feedback loops of your organization. As you become more familiar with your environment

In Week 2, you created a Systems Thinking Diagram that mapped the stock, inflows, outflows, and feedback loops of your organization. As you become more familiar with your environment and the relationships and interactions between departments and people, you will begin to discover existing strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of the weaknesses and threats to … Read more

Create an 8-12 slide digital presentation that can be used to provide educators with information on the essential components of literacy. You will narrate your presentation through GoReact by using the screen share function.

 Assignments: I follow the grading rubric closely. Always read the assignment rubric prior to starting your assignments to fully understand the assignment requirements. Some requirements are outlined in the grading rubric that are not detailed in this course assignment instructions. It is recommended that you use the writing template posted in the resources section of the course room for … Read more

You are working as a Design Engineer in a manufacturing facility where the automation and material handling plays a major role in the line assembly. Your manager/supervisor has assigned you a task of lifting component(s) from a conv

Problem Statement: You are working as a Design Engineer in a manufacturing facility where the automation and material handling plays a major role in the line assembly. Your manager/supervisor has assigned you a task of lifting component(s) from a conveyer belt. You have been provided parts (SolidWorks CAD files) only. You are required to understand … Read more

You have been requested by the Institutional Review Board to justify your study using a qualitative research design.  You have selected 2 focus groups with 12 participants in each of the two groups.   Address how you will protect the human subject

Scenario: You have been requested by the Institutional Review Board to justify your study using a qualitative research design.  You have selected 2 focus groups with 12 participants in each of the two groups.   Address how you will protect the human subject participants in your study.  Consider the following issues:  1) informed consent, 2) voluntary participation, … Read more

A 58-year-old female presents with fatigue and difficulty catching her breath. Although she has frequently coughed for months, the fatigue and shortness of breath have new onset over the past 2 months. She has been treated twice in the past

Respiratory System Case Study Chief Complaint: Fatigue and shortness of breath. HPI: A 58-year-old female presents with fatigue and difficulty catching her breath. Although she has frequently coughed for months, the fatigue and shortness of breath have new onset over the past 2 months. She has been treated twice in the past year for bronchitis, … Read more