Assignment Task
As a management consultant employed by a respectable consulting company, as your client has inquired to evaluate a variety of useful business data and information sources to ensure the project is delivered. Provide the client with creative solutions to their problems along with suggestions for measuring and assessing those solutions.
You must complete the all the required task of the group portfolio with evidences. Please note, you are required to use the projects provided in the relevant folder on the VLE.
In order to demonstrate that your team managed the project for your client, you must submit a single portfolio of proof
Assignment Tasks: (Client Report)
Critical Analysis of Secondary Business Research Sources for Client
In this analysis, you must evaluate a range of secondary business research sources to understand their relevance and application to the business challenge faced by the organisation. The aim is to use secondary sources to gather insights including market size-growth rate, target audience and competitor analysis.
Provide the client with creative solutions to their challenges along with recommendations for evaluating and assessing the outcomes. Develop a comprehensive outline plan for implementing the chosen solution over the next 6 months. Detail key steps, resources required, stakeholder engagement strategies, assumption of Budget and a timeline.
Module learning outcomes:
LO1: Apply an evaluative approach to a range of practical business data, and sources of information for delivery of the project.
LO2: Perform efficiently and effectively as a collaborative member of a working group and as an added value contributor to the organisation which is assigned to the students.
LO3: Deliver innovative solutions to the client’s problems together with recommendations for measuring and evaluating those solutions.
LO4: Demonstrate effective business communication skills