1. The Rule of Law principle means that citizens, the government and Istitutions are subject to the law, and the law should be applied equally’ Based on the statement above, discuss the functioning process of the rule of law principle among the three arms of government.
2. The rule of law principle remains a tool used by the courts to protect fundamental freedoms and civil liberties in the UK’. Using relevant examples, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.
3. Parliamentary sovereignty has been challenged by other arms of government, thereby raising questions about the sanctity of this principle. Using relevant examples, discuss the extend to which you agree with this statement.
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4. Analyse the case of Costa v Enel 1964 ecr 585, and discuss its impacts on parliamentary sovereignty and supremacy of Eu Law.
The maximul word count for all answers is 3000 words. You have the discretion to divide the maximum word count amoung your four questions. Your critical analysis must be evidence based and supported with the law and other relevant supporting authorities. You have to include references at the final: bibliography, case laws etc