Assessment 1 Brief Presentation 40% Presentation – In pairs, you are required to deliver a presentation (10min per student), that describes the structure, function and movement of the musculoskeletal system for a specific movement. The movement will be chosen from one of the studied functional movement screening tests. The data collection must be recorded/photographed as supporting evidence of process

Assessment 1 Brief
Presentation 40%
Presentation – In pairs, you are required to deliver a presentation (10min per student), that describes the structure, function and movement of the musculoskeletal system for a specific movement. The movement will be chosen from one of the studied functional movement screening tests. The data collection must be recorded/photographed as supporting evidence of process

The presentation should include:
Introduction. Introduce yourself as a group, describe the structure and function of the musculoskeletal anatomy to provide context to the later movement test.

Method. Introduce the movement test. How did you set up the test. How was the test performed?

What equipment was used etc.

Findings/Discussion. With reference to your movement test and scores achieved by your participant, provide a detailed description of the musculoskeletal systems interactions to allow movement. This should include joints, movement, contraction types, muscles that are agonist/antagonist etc.

Summary. Provide some key take home messages, summarising the key points.

Assessment Specific Instructions:
The presentation is 10minutes per student (i.e. a group of 2 will deliver for 20minutes). Students will be advised when they reach the final minute and all students will be stopped at the maximum time (calculated as: Number of Students x 10minutes).
Students must submit their presentation by 6pm on Wednesday 9th October 2024. Once submitted, for marking and the deadline has passed students must not edit their slides.
Students will be allocated a time slot to deliver their presentation. Students must arrive in time for their slot and be set up ready to present. Presentations will take place on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October 2024.
A full reference list of all references used throughout the presentation should be displayed at the end of the presentation.
Evidence of process. Students should include images and copies of data collection logs etc as evidence of process either throughout their presentation or at the end as an appendix
Assessment 2 Brief
Written Report 60%
Working in small groups, learners will conduct a VO2max tests using methods of collection which are commonly used within Sports Science. Learners will then individually interpret a data set, compare their findings against quality published scientific literature and draw conclusions on the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and metabolic systems response.

Students will be graded individually on the content and quality of their written piece and their ability to:

Introduction à (Literature review). Review current literature to provide an understanding of structures and functions (respiratory system, cardiac muscle, blood vessels and blood, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) into your report. What was the purpose of your investigation?
Methodology à A scientifically written protocol for the physiological measures taken. (Which tests did you conduct? Number of participants? Who were the participants? How did you prepare participants for the test(s)? How did you conduct the tests / the protocol used? How were results collated and analysed?)
Results à Clearly display and interpret the results of your study using appropriate design (graph / table / chart)
Discussion à Consider your results against current literature to explore and discuss how the systems integrate to respond and perform under exercise stress. Were there any outside factors that could have influenced the results? Are there any considerations / recommendations should you repeat the tests?
Conclusion à Conclude your report, identifying the effects of exercise stress (VO2max) on the data you collected, summarising key physiological responses identified
This written piece is a 2000 word essay (the reference list is exempt from the word count).
Students must take part in the data collection in order to complete this essay and will evidence this within their ‘process of work’, which is submitted within an appendix.
All students are required to submit their essay as a word document by 6pm on Friday 1st November 2024 for marking.
Students should utilise OneSearch to search for scholarly literature. A reference list of all references must be included at the end of the report.
Assessment Specific Instructions
Assessment One Marking Criteria
Presentation – (all marks are subject to change until the work is moderated)

Fail (0-19%)


Inadequate (20-



Satisfactory (40-



Good (50-59%)


Very Good (60-69%)


Excellent (70-100%)


Understandin g of module/task

(WHAT and WHY)

You have failed to demonstrate an understanding.

A large proportion of the work is incorrect and/or has a large number of significant omissions.

You have demonstrated an inadequate understanding (e.g., description, explanation, analysis, and discussion) of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of this module/ task.

Terminology has been used incorrectly, core content areas are not discussed and there are some significant errors and/or omissions.

You have demonstrated a satisfactory understanding (e.g., description, explanation, analysis, and discussion) of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of this module/ task. However, terminology may be used incorrectly, core content areas are only discussed briefly and there are some significant areas that could be expanded upon, clarified, or corrected.

You have demonstrated a good understanding (e.g., description, explanation, analysis, and discussion) of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of this module/task.

Terminology is generally used correctly, and core content areas are largely discussed coherently.

However, there are some notable areas that could be expanded upon,

clarified or corrected.

You have demonstrated a very good understanding (e.g., description, explanation, analysis, and discussion) of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of this module/task. Terminology is used correctly. Core content areas are discussed coherently and concisely, in parts, potentially beyond the scope of the core content. There are some areas that could be further expanded

upon, clarified, or corrected.

You have demonstrated an excellent understanding (e.g., description, explanation, analysis, and discussion). Your work demonstrates excellent empirical and theoretical underpinnings of this module/task. Terminology is correctly defined throughout. Core content is consistently discussed and expanded upon, potentially beyond the scope of the core content
