This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAs: As you continue to develop your business plan for your new business, reflect on the organizational culture you would like to create and sustain. For more information and examples of organizational culture, read Chapter 7 in your textbook and the 2 articles assigned to you in this week’s Reading/Viewing assignments.
Communicate your new culture in a one- to two-page detailed infographic, which depicts your mission and vision, including the desired attitudes and behaviors you would like to see in your organization. Also, include biblical support.
You may find Canva a useful site to create your infographic. You will find free options under the Blogging & eBooks section. You may also use another site/program with which you are more familiar.
Have fun with this assignment by including pictures, descriptions, and detailed information illustrating your organization’s values, beliefs, traditions, philosophies, rules, and role models.
When finalizing your infographic, please download and save it as a PDF. Then submit your PDF to Brightspace as an attachment. If you opt to use Canva, select the Download option and file type PDF – Standard, then download. You do not need to make it public in order to download it.