- The relationship between organizational trust, resistance to change and adaptive and proactive employees’ agility in an unplanned and planned change context
- Successful Leadership Through Rapid, Unplanned Change
- An informed practice for leading changecollaboratively
The articles need to be current – published within the past five years.
- Article selection should consider management theory, management skills and practices, external/economic impacts to organizations, internal/structure impacts to organizations, and/or responding to change.
- Articles should bring a contemporary perspective on one or more of the major theorists who developed management studies in the 19th-20th centuries.
Step 2: Create an annotated bibliography for each article. The articles should be summarized in 2-3 paragraphs as the format suggests.
Step 3: Then, aggregately analyze and explain the articles for the way in which internal and external factors cause change in workplace behavior. This section should comprise 2 paragraphs using multiple course readings and research to support how the internal and external factors identified in the selected articles can/do cause change in workplace behavior and ultimately organizational structure and culture. Show the connection between these contemporary writers and the major theoretical perspectives that they drew from earlier ‘fathers’ of management science.
Step 4: Conclude the paper with a two to three paragraph examination of the selected articles and the impact to managing effectively. Be sure to clearly explain your reasoning for the selection and provide supporting examples and rationale from class readings related to the modern organization.
The analysis should begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you intend to cover in the body of the paper.
The analysis should end with a conclusion/summary paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you covered in the body of the paper.
Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing).
Title page
Annotated Bibliographies
Analysis of the Three Articles
Reference Page
What Are the Parts of an Annotated Bibliography?
Part 1: The source entry is the citation format as it will appear on the reference list of your paper.
Part 2: Below the citation is the annotation–information from the source and your reaction to it. Your goal is to summarize any information of value when you write your paper. This info can be facts, stats, quotes, examples and ideas. Be sure the info is reliable and not out of date for your topic.
Breaking Down the Annotation Paragraph:
There are different ways to construct your annotation. Depending on the instructions given to you, the annotation may include some of all of the following:
- Summary: a description in your own words of what this source is about: its topic, arguments, and findings.
- Assessment: your opinions on the usefulness and legitimacy of this source. Did you find it to be helpful in proving what you are setting out to prove or argue? Why or why not? Is there a bias in the source to be aware of?
- Reflection: how does this source has impact you? Does it help shape your opinion? What did you learn from it that surprised or impressed you? Most important, how might this source be used in your paper?