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An inspired leader who occupies the top management position often relates to poor performance and slow response to change, especially if the CEO remains in the position for a long time and can challenge the Board of Directors.

Your Final Project Report is built on the research and assignments you have completed so far in this course.

You will consolidate your work by submitting two documents:

1- A 1,500-word, double-spaced paper in MS Word/.docx. Support your paper with four citations and corresponding references to support your thinking. Include an Introduction, Main Ideas, and conclusion. Four in-text citations and references are required. The final project report will address the following topic:

An inspired leader who occupies the top management position often relates to poor performance and slow response to change, especially if the CEO remains in the position for a long time and can challenge the Board of Directors.Steve Jobs led Apple to great success and left, only to return and provide renewed direction.What happened? Lessons learned from previous mistakes as a leader. Consider what changed with Jobs and his leadership style. Upon Job’s return to Apple, define his changes in how the company was led.  

You will use your textbook, the university digital library, and online resources with proper citations.

You must have three parts:

  1. Review of articles
  2. Introduction, Main Ideas, and Conclusion
  3. Citations

2– A (6) slide MS PowerPoint/.pptx Executive Presentation of your paper. Four in-text citations and references are required in the slides. Slides include – Lead slide, four content slides, and one reference slide. Slides 2 to 5 should include the in-text citations. Slide 6 is a list of the references.

Important—The Notes section is located at the bottom of slides 2 to 5. It contains extensive notes.


Your submission will be checked for plagiarism!  A zero-tolerance policy will be strictly enforced.