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Advanced practice nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature

Advanced practice nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature and discern its value for application to practice. Select one current clinical practice guideline (CPG) related to your PICOT question. If a relevant CPG does not exist, choose a CPG related to another topic. Appraise the CPG using the Rapid Critical Appraisal Questions to Ask of Evidence-Based Guidelines (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023, Box 8.4). Summarize your appraisal of the CPG in your own words. 

Include the following sections:

  1. Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
    1. Credibility
      1. Who developed the CPG?
      2. Who funded the CPG?
      3. Has the CPG been peer-reviewed?
    2. Comprehensiveness
      1. What method was used to identify, select, or combine evidence?
      2. Was a current, comprehensive literature review included?
      3. Were all important options considered?
      4. Is the strength of evidence noted for each recommendation?
    3. Applicability and generalizability:
      1. Is the intent of use provided?
      2. Are the recommendations clinically relevant?
      3. Are the recommendations relevant to the reader’s population?
      4. Are the recommendations practical and feasible?
      5. Are the recommendations significantly different from current practice?
      6. Are the outcomes measurable using standard care practices?
    4. Include a complete APA reference for the selected CPG.

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