Supporting learning and professional development in nursing
Proposed Essay structure
Introduction -Approximatly 250 words(10%of the total word count)
Provide and overview of what is covered in the essay
reflection of coaching. Why is coaching important?
Discoll reflective model (reference) and what is included in each stage of the
reflective model.
Who was the person you coached and where- do not give real names of the
person/trust-( can include reference- NMC CODE, GDPR)
Plan for future development
Explain the coaching episode
Deatiled procedure is not needed.
So what (should include reference)
Coaching model
Why is coaching model important
What are coaching models
Which model did you choose and why
Apply the coaching model
Learning theory
Why is learning theory important
Why are you using Andragogy(adult learning theory)
How did you apply andragogy
Learning Environment
What learning environment important
How did you modify the learning environment to suit the need of the learner
Learning needs and learning style
Why is knowledge of learning needs important
How did you identify the learning style- eg: VARK assessment
How did you plan the coaching based on the learning style
How did you identify learning needs of the learner
How did you adjust the coaching based on the learning needs of the learner
Why is communication important in coaching
What are the types of communication
Questioning- open ended questions and closed ended questions
How did you use the questioning technique
Why is feedback important
Which feedback model did you use and why
How did you get feedback
Now what (can include reference)
Based on the feedback you received from your supervisor, what SMART goals
are you setting for your professional development.
Approximatly 250 words(10%of the total word count)
Reference List (not included in the work count)
Appendix (not included in the work count)