BMIB5004 Critical Management and Organisation Studies Assignment 2 Brief | DMU
Assignment Number: | 2 |
Assignment Title: | Essay |
Assessment Information
- This assignment is an individual assignment. Students need to answer two of the four questions. Your answer must primarily draw on critical management literature and use practical examples. Each mini-essay should be 1,000 words long, and students should write 2,000 words.
- There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.
The marking criteria for the essay are as follows:
- Comprehensiveness and accuracy of presenting the critical management studies literature and the organisation and the structure in presenting the key arguments and findings in answering the question
- Critical analysis of the critical management studies literature based on own ideas and practical examples in answering the question
- The relevance of the real-life example or examples are chosen in answering the question
- Presentational qualities of the Paper – citations, bibliography, paragraphing, spacing, spelling, Quotations etc.
All criteria are equally weighted. The hyperlink follows is to the University’s generic mark descriptors-Postgraduate mark descriptors. Further information on University mark descriptors can be found here.
learning outcomes:
- E1: Thoroughly understand the contemporary and historical frame of global management and organisation
- E2: Demonstrate familiarity with a critical theoretical lens in analysing global business practices
- E3: Appreciate the complexity of managing in a contemporary global environment
- E4: Develop skills required to deconstruct discourse of business models and management practices and consider the wider implications of those narratives
- E5: Consider data drawn from the wider context to develop skills for improved problem analysis
- E6: Develop a critical awareness of the strengths and limitations of different theoretical and practical approaches to organizing and managing in a global context
- E7: Assimilate material on course topics through a combination of learning methods, including self-study and guided reading, presentations and class discussion
- E8: Consciously apply an appreciation of the real-world context in appraising complex problems for initiating and implementing innovative outcomes
- E9: Display skills at generating innovative and practical courses of action
- E10: Apply skills of critical analysis in assessing the relative merits of discourse reported in the business media
- E11: Appreciate the transitions and relationships between the individual, corporate, national and global perspectives within the global business environment
- E12: Begin to appreciate the ambiguities between the theoretical and the real-world business environment
- E13: Be able to marshal and deploy ideas, theories and evidence to substantiate written and verbal case analyses and presentations
- Critically evaluate whether the quality of work and employment is better under human relations management than scientific management. Justify your answer with references to the academic literature and business practice.
- Explore the implications that systemic contradictions have for concepts like growth and sustainability in the context of climate breakdown with cases/illustrative examples.
- Analyse the mechanisms and the dynamics that shape distinct forms of power within organisations. Your answer should focus on a real-life organisation of your choice.
- Discuss the career aspirations and trajectories of young women and men in a context of your own choice. Your answer should describe how intersectionality helps to articulate both experiences of oppression and privileges in relation to your chosen context.