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Second, it must include an ethical reflection (the guideline length of this component is 1500 words). Once your project outline is complete, we then ask you to reflect on the ethical questions

Your assessment on this module

For this module you will produce a portfolio of 3,500 words that contains two component parts.

Task Length % of module mark
Coursework portfolio 3,500 words 100

You will submit a coursework portfolio of no more than 3,500 words.

You are required to include two key components within your submission.

  • First, it must include a methodological reflection (the guideline length of this component is 2000 words).

For this component we ask you to use the materials covered on the module and the literature to help you to imagine a project for researching digital life. You will not need to actually complete this project, we are just asking you to imagine and design it. You need to include the aim of your project, the type of data you will use, how the data will be gathered, how you will develop findings and what you hope to find out. Also make clear why you have chosen that sets of aims, and why you have chosen to gather that form of data. One key thing is to make sure your research design fits with your aims. Along the way, make sure you explain and rationalise your choices, using the literature to help you to think about the methodological issues your imagined project raises.

  • Second, it must include an ethical reflection (the guideline length of this component is 1500 words).

Once your project outline is complete, we then ask you to reflect on the ethical questions and issues that your proposed project creates. Think here about the ethics of the data you are gathering, the ethical issues concerning the people you are researching and also the ethical issues facing you as the researcher. Think here about the risks, issues around the type of data and privacy as well as the other ethical questions covered on the modul