Module Code : MGT40223
Module Title : Digital Business and Contemporary Marketing Practice
Word-length : 2400 words
Task Description
You have recently started as a Junior Marketing Analyst at a UK-based company with an online presence (select a real company). Your task is to prepare a 2400-word report analysing the company’s current digital marketing strategies and practises.
1. Current Marketing Practices (Learning Outcome(s) Addressed: LO1)
- Describe the company’s current marketing practices, identifying one key strategic marketing decision the company has made in the last year.
- Explain how this decision has affected the company’s target audience and brand positioning.
2. Digital Marketing Strategies (Learning Outcome(s) Addressed: LO2)
- Identify the digital marketing strategy the company currently uses (e.g., social media marketing, email marketing).
- Analyse how this strategy helps the company reach its customers and achieve its goals
3. Digital Business Models (Learning Outcome(s) Addressed: LO3)
- Describe the company’s current digital business model and explain how it operates in today’s business environment.
- Provide one example of how the company interacts with customers online.
4. Digital Ethics (Learning Outcome(s) Addressed: LO4)
- Identify one digital ethical consideration the company needs to address.
- Explain how this ethical issue affects the company’s customers.
- Provide a recommendation to address this ethical concern.
5. Conclusion
- Summarise your analysis, highlighting the key points from your report.