Conflict Approaches Paper
COMM 220 Interpersonal Communication | Dr. Impellizzeri
After reading the chapter from LOLI on “Managing Interpersonal Conflicts,” use the following form to record three (3) conflicts that occur in your life that you are comfortable analyzing. For each, describe your speech and action, show how it fits the definition of conflict, classify your conflict approach (‘style’), and describe the consequences of your communication.
- Summarize your findings by typing in the space provided on this document. This is the first of two documents you are to submit for this assignment.
- Next, in a separate document, write a 1-2 page paper (double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman) using the reflection questions below as a guideline. (Do not exceed the 2-page limit. You will lose points for doing so.) Notice the format instructions and example provided below as well. Make explicit references/connections (avoiding long direct quotes) to the chapter from LOLI.
Complete the chart below in this Word doc. Then, write your reflective paper in a separate Word doc. Submit both documents using the Canvas assignment portal.
Perceived Perceived |
YOUR Avoid |
I |
This |
Competing |
After |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Questions for a 1-2 page Reflective Paper (on a separate document):
- In light of the above situations, which approach(es) did you use that seemed to produce the best outcome? (Is there one that might be better than the one’s you employed?)
- Which approach characterizes your own conflict comm (speech & action) most? Explain.
- Describe the pros and cons of your approach.
- Are there changes you wish to make in the way you handle conflict in your life? Explain.
Use an abbreviate version of each question as a heading in your paper. Your paper should have four headings (e.g. Conflict Approach with Best Outcomes, My Conflict Approach, Pros and Cons of My Approach; Changes I Wish to Make). Format your paper according to the example below.
Example Format
Jane Doe(your name)
March 19, 2021(date)
Conflict Approach Paper(assignment)
Conflict Approach with Best Outcomes
Your paraphing/reflections here . . .
My Conflict Approach
Your paraphing/reflections here . . .
Pros and Cons of My Approach
Your paraphing/reflections here . . .
Changes I Wish to Make
Your paraphing/reflections here . . .