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What is (are) the main industry (industries) in which the company competes? How does the company address Porter’s Five Forces? • Using S.W.O.T., identify the assets of the firm, the capabilities of the firm, the core competencies of the firm

 Through the case study and additional
research of articles and public company documents, develop a paper about business level strategy. Following Porter’s Five Force Model, your paper must address the following questions:
• What is (are) the main industry (industries) in which the company competes? How does the company address Porter’s Five Forces?
• Using S.W.O.T., identify the assets of the firm, the capabilities of the firm, the core competencies of the firm and its competitive advantage(s).
• What business level strategy does the firm seem to be pursuing in this industry? What corporate level strategies is the firm pursuing? Why?
• Have there been any major changes in its strategy recently? Why?
• How does company use the preceding information to gain & sustain competitive
advantage or address its competitive disadvantage?
Be certain to provide a clear foundation of understanding regarding strategy and Porter’s model. Use peer-review references other than the textbook.
Papers should be a minimum of 10 complete pages (not part of a page) to a maximum of 15
pages. In addition, the paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.
You should include a minimum of three – five academic references. The paper must conform
to APA style (Papers not properly citing sources will result in a full letter grade reduction).
Please use 12-point type (either Arial or Times Roman type face), one-inch margins, double
spaced, with a five-space indent for each paragraph. Spelling, grammar and punctuation
count. The Topic is Walmart