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HR6055QA Organising and Managing across Cultures Module Assignment 1 – Group Presentation

Module Code : HR6055QA

Module Title : Organising and Managing across Cultures Module

Assignment 1 – Group Presentation

Group presentation on the topic allocated to you in class

You will be asked to work in a multi-cultural team with two or three other students from your seminar group. Each team would be randomly allotted a topic from below:

  1. Explain the communication problems in different cultural contexts.

  2. What cultural and ethical issues are involved in the giving and receiving of gifts?

  3. Explain the different approaches towards time in various cultures. Why might it be important to understand these differences when managing in culturally diverse environments?

  4. What connection can you find between cultural values and an apparent preference for a particular leadership across different cultural contexts?

  5. How do cultural differences impact on the effectiveness of performance appraisal systems? What are the implications for designing and implementing appraisal systems in multicultural organizations?

  6. To what extent do cultural factors influence recruitment and selection practices in different countries? What are the implications of these differences for international recruitment?

  7. Does employees’ preference for particular forms of reward – for example intrinsic or extrinsic – vary across cultural contexts?

  8. What part do cultural factors play in the contrasting levels of participation by women in management, found across different countries?

Your first task as a team is to research on your chosen question. You should apply relevant theory from the field of cross-cultural management and show the implications and relevance of the issues for management practice. You must include relevant material drawn from reliable sources that you have consulted in researching your topic.

The presentations will be delivered face to face in class time. The presentation should have an appropriate title that reflects the focus you have chosen to explore. Make it clear in the introduction to your presentation what approach the group has taken to the question. Try to make cultural comparisons based on the topic. At the end, reflect on working as a multi-cultural group. The presentation should not last more than 15 minutes and you should build in some interactive elements.


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