Subject Title | Business Research | ||
Subject Code | RES800 | ||
Assessment Title | Assessment 1 – Research Question and Literature Review | ||
Learning Outcome/s | Utilise critical thinking to analyse managerial problems and formulate relevant research questions and a research design Apply research theories and methodologies to assist in developing a business research proposal. e. Succinctly communicate arguments that reflect a synthesis of literature and business research concepts | ||
Assessment type (group or individual) | Individual | ||
Weighting | 25% | ||
Word count | 1,000 words (+/- 10% excluding cover page, references) | ||
Due date | Sunday, end of Week 5, at 11.55 pm | ||
Submission type | Paper copy ☐ Turnitin | ||
Format/ Layout of Assessment | This is the first part of a research proposal consisting of Research titleResearch problemResearch aim/purposeResearch questionsLiterature reviewReferences |
Assessment instructions (clear, succinct, without repetition) | This assessment gives you an initial impetus to organise your early ideas for your research proposal. This assessment is designed to initiate your thinking about what aspect(s) of business you might be interested in researching. It is an important opportunity to put your early thoughts down on paper and receive constructive input from your lecturer, who can help you refine your ideas into a proposal that has scholarly merit. Your ideas and thinking might change significantly after receiving feedback on this first assessment. That is normal as research is an inherently iterative process. In this assignment, you need to: Identify research problem with respect to its significance (i.e., pressing need, added value).Provide a research aim/ purpose – A brief statement of what your research aims to achieve.Formulate 3 – 5 research questions that contribute to achieving the research aim.Write a literature review on the key arguments that reflects a synthesis of the literature supporting the conceptual or theoretical significance of the research aim and its practical relevance. Please pay attention to the notes below: Report is to be submitted to TurnitinYou will be expected to have consulted at least 10 relevant, academic peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, market reports, and so on with 5 of which are published in the last 2 yearsFor in-text citation and referencing style, you need to follow the ICMS style guide document on Moodle. |
Readings for the assessment (instructions where they can be found e.g. MyAthens database, Moodle etc.) | Lecture notes (Moodle)Recommended textbooks in the subject outlinePrescribed articles available on the MyAthens database |
Grading Criteria/ Rubric | Adhere to the marking rubric provided The following criteria will be used to assess this assignment: Do-ability and clarity of the topicClarity, consistency, and conceptual accuracy of research aim/ purpose and research questionsLogical argumentation and flow for the literature review used to justify the relevance and significance of the topic |
Peer Review Evaluation (group work – optional) | N/A |
Assessment 1 – Research Question and Literature Review Marking Rubric (25%)
Criteria | HD (85-100) | D (75-84) | CR (65-74) | PASS (50-64) | FAIL (0-49) |
Criteria 1 Research problem (20%) | Research problem is expertly developed with respect to: Significance (i.e., a pressing need)Clarity | Research problem is very well developed with respect to: Significance (i.e., apressing need)Clarity | Research problem is well developed with respect to: Significance (i.e., apressing need)Clarity | Research problem is somewhat developed with respect to: Significance (i.e., apressing need)Clarity | Research problem is notwell developed with respect to: Significance (i.e., apressing need)Clarity |
Criteria 2 Research aim and research questions (40%) | Research aim and research questions are expertly developed with respect to: Link to the research problemLevel of detail | Research aim and research questions are very well developed with respect to: Link to the research problemLevel of detail | Research aim and research questions arewell developed with respect to: Link to the research problemLevel of detail | Research aim and research questions are somewhat developed with respect to: Link to the research problemLevel of detail | Research aim and research questions are notwell developed with respect to: Link to the research problemLevel of detail |
Criteria 3 Literature Review (20%) | The foundations for the literature review are expertly developed with respect to: Key concepts20 relevant, contemporary peer- reviewed sources | The foundations for the literature review are very well developed with respect to: Key concepts16 relevant, contemporary peer- reviewed sources | The foundations for the literature review are well developed with respect to: Key concepts13 relevant, contemporary peer- reviewed sources | The foundations for the literature review are somewhat developed with respect to: Key concepts10 relevant, contemporary peer- reviewed sources | The foundations for the literature review are not well developed with respect to: Key concepts7 relevant, contemporary peer- reviewed sources |
Criteria 4 Academic writing and References (20%) | Demonstrates exceptional academic writing skills. Connects ideas effectively and fluidly. No errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Completely correct use of APA 7 Referencing style. | Demonstrates very good academic writing skills. Connects ideas effectively. Only a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Completely correct use of APA 7 Referencing style. | Demonstrates good academic writing skills. Not always unified and coherent in connecting ideas. A few minor errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Mostly correct use of APA 7 Referencing style. | Demonstrates adequate academic writing skills with apparent errors. Ideas are often not connected. Several errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Combines correct and incorrect use of APA 7 Referencing style. | Demonstrates limited academic writing skills with frequent errors. Ideas are separated Many errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Mostly or completely incorrect use of APA 6 Referencing style. |

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