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In this assignment, you will build a foundation for your proposed study at the course’s end. Respond to the following prompts, which are relevant to foundational research components

Complete this assignment after understanding the instructional presentation(s), required reading, and supplemental material in the Instructional Content section of the Module.

In this assignment, you will build a foundation for your proposed study at the course’s end. Respond to the following prompts, which are relevant to foundational research components, using the template provided.  Your understanding of each research component should be evident. All components should be appropriately aligned.

Consider a problem in your work environment that you want to study (Ask yourself, “What’s wrong?”). How do you know it’s a problem? Data has to support your claim that it’s a problem. Also, the problem has to be supported in the literature. Cite the literature that shows the support.

What interventions might you implement to improve the problem (This is a component of Action Research)? 

What questions will the study answer? (These questions must not have been answered by previous research. You conduct research to answer questions that haven’t already been answered.)

What theory/theories is/are relevant to the problem you are studying and the questions you are asking? 

What is the purpose of the study (ask yourself, “Why am I studying this?”).

The following topics cannot be used for this assignment: academic achievement gap, lack of parental involvement/engagement, and teacher attrition/retention. The topics have been studied extensively, so there is not much that we do not already know about them. Check out the current and former studies if you’d like to learn more about them. 

Use the template below: