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Logistics Principles Vs Legal Principles

Review the research article, Logistics principles vs. legal principles: frictions and challenges (Emerald/Hunt Library) and perform your analysis.

The activity requires you to submit a critical analysis. Limit the general discussion to the minimum. Review at least three other articles related to the topic and include them in your discussion. Relate the topics covered in this week’s textbook readings to your analysis. Then, relate the relevant sub-competencies (at the advanced level) from the Supply Chain Capability Model (PDF) Download Supply Chain Capability Model (PDF)of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) to your analysis. References at the end of the paper and citations in the body of the paper need to mirror each other. Include citations from the textbook, ISM’s Supply Chain Capability Model, and all the articles you reviewed for the analysis. 


Norrman, A., & Henkow, O. (2014). Logistics principles vs. legal principles: frictions and challenges. International journal of physical distribution & logistics management.

Your analysis should be between 2-3 pages in length, excluding the cover page and references, and formatted in APA style.


Save your document using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description. Do not add punctuation or special characters to the file name. Submit your completed document to this activity.

Academic Integrity

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material.

  1.5 Literature Review: Logisticians Vs Lawyers

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