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Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems


This assignment is intended to help you learn to analyze and explain the impact of blood pressure as well as the associated pathological phenomena and details compared to normal physiology.


In this assignment, we’ll explore blood pressure, hypertension, and the role of the master’s prepared nurse in these situations.

Your patient: Devon Jones

You meet Mr. Devon Jones, who is a 40-year-old African American male with a long-standing history of uncontrolled hypertension. Both of his parents died from hypertension, and his mother also had type II diabetes. Mr. Jones is a police officer in a high-crime neighborhood. He stopped smoking about 5 years ago when diagnosed with hypertension. He states that he drinks several beers every evening and does not pay much attention to his intake of sodium, fat, or carbohydrates. He does not exercise regularly, with the exception of required trainings for his job. His weight has increased by 20 pounds during the past year, and he reports some shortness of breath with activity, especially when climbing stairs.

Action Items

  1. Read the scenario described in the overview section.
  2. Create and post a video wherein you complete steps 2a-c below. To support your response, give your rationale and substantiate it with references, including your textbook and a minimum of 3 other credible, scholarly sources.
    1. Explain to Mr. Jones in layman’s terms the pathophysiology of primary, secondary, and complicated hypertension.
    2. Based on the data you have about Mr. Jones, explain to him the most clinically significant information related to HTN in his history and review of symptoms.
    3. Choose one pathologic effect of sustained, complicated primary hypertension, and give Mr. Jones an understanding of its pathophysiology, as well as direction for improved self-care to avoid the complication.
  3. Watch your peers’ videos. Choose one peer and play the part of Mr. Jones. Ask a significant follow-up question (type it as a response to the peer’s discussion post) as if you were truly the patient, Mr. Jones.
  4. Return to your video and answer the follow-up question asked by a peer (you should type out your answer).

Submission Instructions

  • By Wednesday, complete Action Items 1 and 2.
  • By Friday, complete Action Item 3.
  • By Sunday, complete Action Item 4.

Grading Criteria

Your work will be assessed based on the associated rubric. Read this and all other grading rubrics early on to better understand how you will be assessed and to use that understanding in formulating your responses. Ask for any clarification as needed.

Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

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