Dimensional Analysis (Conversion) Assignment
Check the box indicating which situation you selected:
Using the situation you selected, and the instructions provided, complete all five steps of the dimensional analysis process. Use the space provided to show your work.
Step | Instructions |
1. Understand | Identify and describe what unit you have and what unit you are trying to convert to |
Show your work here: | |
2. Make a Plan | List the dimensional analysis (conversion) fraction you will need in this situation. It should include both the unit you have and the unit you want. Set up the multiplication. |
Show your work here: | |
3. Carry out the Plan | Complete the conversion |
Show your work here: | |
4. Show Final Answer | What is the answer in the requested units? Be sure to include the new units. |
Show your work here: | |
5. Reflect | Does this value seem reasonable? Why or why not? |
Enter your reflection here: |
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