Video Viewing Protocol
1. View the three video provided in the module relative to Academic Language, functions, and demands. Links are below as well.
Understanding Academic Language:
Language Supports:
Good Sample: Academic Language in Lesson Plan:
Before Watching:
1. Preview the main topics covered in the videos: academic language, academic functions, and academic support. Reflect on what you already know about these concepts.
2. Read the title and description (if available) of each video to set expectations for the content.
While Watching:
1. Take notes under the following headings (You should type the following in a Word Document:
· Key Terms and Definitions: Write down important terms and their meanings as explained in the video.
· Examples: Note any examples provided that illustrate academic language, functions, or supports.
· Strategies: List strategies or teaching approaches mentioned.
2. Pause and rewind sections where terms, concepts, or examples are unclear. Jot down questions or ideas for further discussion.
After Watching:
1. Summarize the main idea of each video in a sentence or two.
Discussion Questions: Comparing Videos and Chapter 2
Coggins, D. (2014). English language learners in the mathematics classroom (2nd ed.). Corwin.
Read over Chapter 2 from the Coggins (2024) text. A PDF copy has been provided in the module.
2. Complete Chapter 2 Discussion Questions and Video Protocol from Coggins (2014) Chapter 2 BELOW. DO NOT delete the questions and you must TYPE your responses, use citations, and PRINT OUT a copy of responses to have in class on Wednesday of next week. Again, you will read from the Coggins (2014) book (chapters are provided as PDF files); Chapter 2, and complete the DQs. These are due by Wednesday, January 29, 2025, for Class.
Please have the following completed and TYPED. You must indicate the PAGE or paragraph and video timestamp in which you found your answers!!!
1. Defining Academic Language: Compare how academic language is defined in the videos and Chapter 2. What similarities and differences do you notice in their descriptions and emphases?
Academic language is defined as the specialized language used in academic contexts, which includes specific vocabulary, phrases, and structures necessary for understanding and expressing complex ideas within a discipline. In mathematics, academic language encompasses specialized words and phrases related to content, procedures, and the expression of complex thinking processes (Coggins,2014, Pg.1). Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2004) describe cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) as “the abstract language abilities required for academic work,” which involves higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Coggins,2014, Pg.1).
Furthermore, Barnett-Clarke and Ramirez (2004) emphasize that students need explicit instruction not only to read and write mathematical symbols and words but also to learn how to express mathematical ideas both orally and in written form (Page 1). This highlights the importance of developing communication skills alongside vocabulary acquisition, as true proficiency in academic language involves the ability to explain and justify mathematical ideas (Coggins,2014, Pg.12).
2. Strategies for Teaching Academic Language: Identify strategies from both the videos and Chapter 2 for teaching academic language to English learners. Which strategies are emphasized in both, and why might they be effective?
3. Academic Functions and Mathematical Language: The videos likely discuss academic functions such as explaining, arguing, and justifying. Chapter 2 highlights similar functions in mathematics teaching. How do the two sources align or differ in addressing the role of academic functions in building understanding?
4. Academic Supports: Chapter 2 describes supports like visual aids, scaffolding, and peer collaboration. Compare these supports with those described in the videos. Are there any unique approaches mentioned in one but not the other?
5. Why is it advisable to teach vocabulary to English learners through movement an action? What else is advised in this chapter for best practices when teach vocabulary to English learners?
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