NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment – UK.
Module Code : NUR2800
Module Title : Developing Expansive Learning
Assessment Type : Assignment
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment – UK.
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment
What I am confident about:
What I am finding challenging:
What I would like specific feedback on:
What do I need to do to pass NUR2800
Things you need to decide:
Step 1: What? Task: Describe Your learning experience on this module (approx. 200 words).Some prompt questions to consider:
1. Why did you choose this topic? How did it meet your learning needs?
2. What was good/bad about the experience? What did you learn from the experience?
3. What part of your experience was most challenging or surprising?
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment – UK.
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment
Step 2 : So What? Task: Describe why this leaning experience was significant to you as a student nurse Some prompt questions to consider:
1. What about the learning experience made an impact on you? How were you different when you
finished this learning experience – have your values, opinions, decisions have been made or changed?
2. What broader issues arise from your independent learning – How did the learning experience relate to
your other coursework?
3. What new skills did you learn – did this learning experience clarify, expand, or create an interest?
Step 3: Now What? Task: Describe your next steps – what do you want to do with this new knowledge, where might it take you? Some prompt questions to consider:
1.How will you apply what you learned from your learning experience?
2. If you could do the task again, what would you do differently?
3. How will your efforts on this task contribute to your career?
Action plan Task: How will you implement the next steps? – what do you practically need to do now to accomplish step 3? Be clear about what you want to achieve, articulate your S.M.A.R.T. goals, be clear about what resources you’ll need and how you will check your progress.
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment – UK.
NUR2800 Developing Expansive Learning Assignment
Learning Outcome Must be included in the assignment
1.To understand the theoretical content of a self-selected module at level 5.
2.To apply theoretical knowledge to your own professional practice and demonstrate an appreciation of the wider context of health and well being.
3.To provide you with in-depth knowledge of a subject of your choice and to encourage a broader understanding of the context and complexity of current health and social care
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