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The theoretical framework

The theoretical framework is a critical element of your work. A theoretical framework is the general representation of relationships in your problem and is based on existing theory. The conceptual framework is your idea on how the problem should be explored, and it is generally based on a theory. The difference between the two is the scope. Theory is … Read more

Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior

After watching the Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior video discuss the following: Importance of conducting a functional analysis. How functional analysis will support your work with clients. What challenges you might foresee in conducting a FA. Why do we want to evoke a response? In addition, ask one question you have from the video that … Read more

Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals

Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals Defining Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals Lesbian: Women who are romantically and/or sexually attracted to other women. Bisexual: Individuals attracted to more than one gender. Transgender: Individuals whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth. This includes transgender men (assigned female at birth but … Read more

Thin and white vaginal discharged

L.R. is a 28-year-old female patient who was evaluated at the clinic because she presented thin and white vaginal discharged which was increased after sexual intercourse.  The vaginal discharge has a pH of 5.2, positive KOH test and clue cells (more than 40% of epithelial cells) on microscopic examination. List your Primary diagnosis with ICD … Read more

Health Care Information Systems Department

As the manager of the CTU Health Care Information Systems Department, you are aware of the meaningful-use core measure standards that all eligible professionals (EPs) and healthcare organizations (HCOs) must meet to receive monetary incentives set forth by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. To meet the HITECH meaningful-use core … Read more

Influences on Brain Development

Influences on Brain Development Review the Discussion Requirements for this course before responding to the prompt below. Lack of active free play and an unbalanced diet are a hot topic in areas of childhood well-being. However, poverty, lack of resources, and other areas of need impact how children are raised. Discuss the development of the brain under … Read more

You will select a current healthcare problem or issue

In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment. Being adept at research helps you find the information you need. This assessment gives you practice with … Read more

Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Individuals

Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Individuals The purpose of this DISCUSSION is to better understand gynecological health care for lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Define and describe for lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Gender and sexuality concepts. Social and political context. Social determinants of health affecting lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Barriers … Read more

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty After reviewing the material in the lesson and watching the Ted Talk below please answer the following questions: 1)  Discuss the reasons why innocent people plead guilty.  Provide specific examples from the video and outside research. 2)  What steps would you take to prevent innocent people from taking a plea deal?  … Read more

Describe the Electronic Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site.  

Describe the Electronic Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site.   What are the Pros and cons you have found? Is E-prescription incorporated into the EMH? Does it have adaptive learning? Does it have an Incorporated patient doorway? Is there Flexibility in the absence of internet connectivity? Does it have effective … Read more