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Examine your three financial measures (KPIs) that you will track through your simulation (note – this assignment will repeat for every round that you run). Financial Measures can be found in the various reports that Capsim creates after you have com

Assignment 8: Complete Round 4 of CAPSIMHide Assignment InformationInstructionsBackgroundThe focus of this assignment is to continue the Competition Industry in the CAPSIM simulation and analyze the results from this round to continue reporting on the Key Performance Indicators you identified. In this round, you will be given access to the TQM module in Capsim.You will … Read more

Choose a country that the organization may open operations in and analyze that country in terms of its political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, ecological/environmental,

Assignment 9: Investigate a PESTEL Analysis for ethical globalization effortsHide Assignment InformationInstructionsBackgroundOrganizational ethics is extremely important to the success of any organization. In your MBA program, you learned about globalization, sustainability, and technology. Consider that the company that you are running in the simulation was going to move to the global environment. In your MBA, … Read more

Your company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain. They are also in charge of forecasting sales for the company

Assignment 6: Devise a Marketing Strategy Presentation for the Next Corporate Board MeetingHide Assignment InformationInstructionsBackgroundYour company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain. They are also in charge of forecasting sales for the company.InstructionsIn a PowerPoint presentation that you will deliver at the next corporate board meeting, … Read more

Assignment 4: Complete Round 2 of CAPSIM Background The focus of this assignment is to continue working with your team in the Competition Industry in the CAPSIM simulation and analyze

Assignment 4: Complete Round 2 of CAPSIMBackgroundThe focus of this assignment is to continue working with your team in the Competition Industry in the CAPSIM simulation and analyze the results from this round to continue reporting on the Key Performance Indicators you identified. In this round, you can access the Human Resource module in Capsim.You … Read more

Assignment 5: Develop a Financial Plan Background: Part 1 Financial statements are reviewed by owners, investors, management, and lenders when making decisions regarding an organization

Assignment 5: Develop a Financial PlanBackground: Part 1Financial statements are reviewed by owners, investors, management, and lenders when making decisions regarding an organization and its management. While there are qualitative and quantitative approaches to reading and interpreting financial statements, the interest in this assignment is the quantitative or ratio analysis. Ratios are quantifications of relationships … Read more

Assignment 2: Develop a Competitive Strategy paper

Assignment 2: Develop a Competitive Strategy Hide Assignment Information Instructions   Background In your MBA program, you’ve learned how operations relate to business strategy and how to manage business operations based on a global supply chain with diverse and geographically dispersed suppliers and customers. In this module, you will analyze your company’s performance and develop … Read more

This assignment focuses on helping you become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round. The training

Assignment 1: Complete the CAPSIM Business Simulation Practice RoundsHide Assignment InformationInstructionsBackgroundThis assignment focuses on helping you become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round.The training will teach you how the various business functions interact in the simulation, how to make decisions, and then … Read more

A nation has a fixed amount of arable land that can be used to grow either staple crops to ensure food security or cash crops for export to generate foreign exchange. Policymakers decide to prioritize

National University: ECO 203: Homework assignment #1: Chapters 1-4 (50 points)1. Using the law of diminishing marginal utility, briefly explain why it is often suggested not to go shopping for groceries when you are hungry. How might hunger influence your purchasing decisions and the perceived value of food items? (4 points) 2. A nation has … Read more

Assignment- In 2020 due to state deregulations ridesharing company X managed to lower its price which led to higher quantity demanded of their rides (a movement along the demand curve

Homework assignment #2 for Micro: (40 Points Total) 1. In 2020 due to state deregulations ridesharing company X managed to lower its price which led to higher quantity demanded of their rides (a movement along the demand curve). The accompanying table describes what happened to prices and the quantity demanded of their service. Using the … Read more